I sent them in about a week ago, but I haven't heard anything back yet, so I thought I'd stop by and see, but I guess you haven't looked at them yet .
Yet some impact investment funds are still reluctant to sign up: they recognise the protection such a system would offer; but they are reluctant to commit to anything that might slow the cash flow.
But I've come to realize that "I love you" doesn't really mean anything, yet people attribute way too much meaning to it; too much thought, consideration, and analysis.
Don't swear off eating anything but boiled gruel just yet.
The home crowd were already going nuts when Shaba's left foot shot streaked across the Mexico keeper and into the top corner, but they hadn't seen anything yet.
Now you have a "clean SLATE" to work with, but you don't have to throw anything away. Yet.
You haven't done anything yet to constrain the size of the FixedList, but this is a good start.
I know that they have yet to taste anything but when food is described in the right way it creates an imaginary flavor in your mouth.
People are out there trying to look like Barbie dolls and yet no one says anything about them, but whenever it's Michael it's different.
You can load this page, but don't expect any action; you haven't really done anything that affects the actual Web page yet.
We haven't seen Numbers from the hoteliers themselves yet, but we don't expect to see anything to suggest broad recovery.
But the part about the cat-yoga did get me to thinking-ever notice how a cat can do just about anything-contort itself into the most asinine positions, yet still look dignified?
Yet the former general with a PhD in agricultural economics appears to be anything but worried.
My mother, who never recalled anything but trouble, and was sure the worst was yet to come, would be saying, I told you so, all day long.
Yet the latest report by his sleuths suggests Iran is anything but innocent.
Yet when it comes to works of art the Obamas have shown themselves to be anything but indecisive.
This allows you to browse the changes made that cause the potential conflict but you don't need to resolve anything yet.
Physically going back in time is not an option yet, but is there anything we can learn from the young ones?
We've made tentative plans for a holiday but haven't decided anything certain yet.
They find the research process exhausting, yet can't let themselves settle for anything but the best.
OK, so the prices of many things haven't risen. Yet. But if the laws of economics mean anything, they will have to. Why? Because costs are rising.
He's bouncing around inside his watery sac but you won't feel anything for quite awhile yet.
He's bouncing around inside his watery sac, but you won't feel anything for quite awhile yet.
I can't say anything yet because I haven't played them, but I hate all maps with snow as it looks so shitty.
This compiles but doesn't do anything observable yet.
He has diabetes, which caused nerve damage in his feet and legs. He hasn't had to have anything amputated yet, but he'll never walk again.
She's yet to turn two, but Harper Seven Beckham seems to have already developed a sharp sense of humor if her dad David's smile is anything to go by.
She's yet to turn two, but Harper Seven Beckham seems to have already developed a sharp sense of humor if her dad David's smile is anything to go by.