Earlier this month, Gerald Levin, the former boss of Time Warner Inc., publicly apologized for his part in the ill-feted $350 billion merger between AOL and Time Warner 10 years ago.
Such blogs are “the most profitable media business today,” says Jason Calacanis, who runs Weblogs Inc, another stable of popular blogs that he sold to AOL, the web arm of Time Warner, a year ago.
Weblogs公司是另一家这样的网络博客杂志公司,它在去年刚刚被网络巨人时代华纳集团收购。 Weblogs的老板杰森.卡拉卡尼斯先生称,这样的博客杂志是“当今利润最高的媒体业务”。
Such blogs are “the most profitable media business today,” says Jason Calacanis, who runs Weblogs Inc, another stable of popular blogs that he sold to AOL, the web arm of Time Warner, a year ago.
Weblogs公司是另一家这样的网络博客杂志公司,它在去年刚刚被网络巨人时代华纳集团收购。 Weblogs的老板杰森.卡拉卡尼斯先生称,这样的博客杂志是“当今利润最高的媒体业务”。