Beam combiner is the key part of optical aperture synthesis telescope array.
Optical aperture synthesis imaging technology is one of optical imaging technology methods for high observation resolution.
Based on the concept of aperture synthesis sparse antenna, the imaging radar on the stratosphere airship for the earth observation is investigated.
Closure phase technology, U-V coverage technology and image reconstruction technology are three key technologies for optical aperture synthesis image.
闭合相位技术、U - V覆盖技术和像重构技术是光学综合孔径干涉成像的三个关键技术。
The impacts of receivers rectangular frequency response imperfections on the complex correlation measurement of 2d aperture synthesis microwave radiometer were presented.
According to image plane interference status of optical aperture synthesis(OAS) and Huyges Fresnel theory, a mathematical method is set up which fits with the true condition.
Closure phase technology, U-V coverage technology and image reconstruction technology are three key technologies for optical synthesis aperture image.
闭合相位技术、U _ V覆盖技术和像重构技术是光学综合孔径干涉成像的三个关键技术。
The location mechanism of Synthesis Aperture Radar (SAR) scene matching is introduced.
The airborne SAR (Synthesis Aperture Radar) USES a stabilized platform to make the antenna stable in the inertial place and trace the velocity to the ground.
The airborne SAR (Synthesis Aperture Radar) USES a stabilized platform to make the antenna stable in the inertial place and trace the velocity to the ground.