Asparagus is reputed to be an aphrodisiac.
In Matthew region east has been used by locals leather ali aphrodisiac, nourishing purposes.
The Chinese, Arabians and Indians used Jasmine medicinally, as an aphrodisiac and for ceremonial purposes.
It could be the sensuous pear shape or the rich flavor of the fruit that gives avocado its aphrodisiac reputation.
Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, "he began saying when he came to realize the new attraction he exerted on women."
The odor of wild thyme, Pliny tells us, drives away snakes. Dionysius of Syracuse, on the other hand, thinks it an aphrodisiac.
At first Europeans were suspicious: the potato was variously thought to be an aphrodisiac, to cause leprosy or to be poisonous.
This is a tough one because you certainly don't want to smell like the town dump, but a little BO is an unbelievable aphrodisiac.
It makes sense to entertain in your natural habitat; you’ll feel at your best and will exude confidence which can be a great aphrodisiac.
A favorite dish for generations of Koreans, octopus heads have long been associated with good nutrition, not to mention their reputed qualities as an aphrodisiac.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) said demand for the meat has grown in the last year as rumours spread about its aphrodisiac qualities.
If you're a good skater, all the better, but if you're a failure, the awkward flailing around will at least make her laugh (and laughter is an absurdly cheap aphrodisiac).
When you accept, appreciate and love your body, that radiant energy is a compelling aphrodisiac and makes it a delight for your partner to also love your body in every sense.
No one really knows why, of all M&M colors, green took the role of aphrodisiac, but Mars, Inc. suggests the myth plays on the color's ancient association with love and fertility.
In central Mexico, the Aztecs believed that wisdom and power came from eating the fruit of the cocoa tree, and that it had nourishing, fortifying, and even aphrodisiac qualities.
Rhino horns, for example, are mostly made of keratin, the same fibrous protein found in human hair and fingernails, but people in some cultures still think of them as an aphrodisiac.
This unusual medicine, consisting of the remains of a caterpillar from which a thin fungus of similar length has sprouted, is said to be a powerful aphrodisiac and antidote to fatigue.
But the scientific reason why avocados make sense as an aphrodisiac is that they are rich in unsaturated fats and low in saturated fat, making them good for your heart and your arteries.
Meanwhile, there is one other thing to bear in mind. According to traditional Chinese medicine, ginkgo is considered an aphrodisiac and so it may be a useful addition to your store cupboard!
Meanwhile, there is one other thing to bear in mind. According to traditional Chinese medicine, ginkgo is considered an aphrodisiac and so it may be a useful addition to your store cupboard!