Now there's a third way that octopus can transform themselves to blend in with or mimic their environment, and that's by changing their shape and size, at least their apparent size.
Apparent Size, which controls the appearance of these shadows and highlights.
Don't get overwhelmed with the apparent size or complexity of what you're tackling.
Achieving softer light requires making the apparent size of the light source bigger.
We'll start with apparent size, since this is perhaps the most common cause of poor portrait lighting.
The background galaxies are about one tenth the apparent size of NGC 7331 and so lie roughly ten times farther away.
The horror was in the contrast between their apparent size and the enormity of their suffering. Life was revealed as cheap;
Big is dominant and in species after species, humans included, postures that enhance the posturer's apparent size cause others to treat him as if he were more powerful.
At this point you've perhaps been slightly misled: it's not really the physical size of the light source that matters - just its apparent size relative to the subject.
Galileo first noted the changes of phase with his telescope. But the real importance of this was the phases were correlated with the brightness changes in Venus and the apparent size of Venus.
Widely and beneficially adopted around the world, the CMMI has nonetheless been daunting to some organizations for its size and apparent complexity of the framework.
There was no apparent effect from varying extent size with DMS.
使用DMS 时,更改区段大小并没有明显的效果。
Unfortunately, changing the apparent sector size in firmware can degrade performance.
In any case, some analysts argue, the electoral system's apparent bias against the Tories is as much due to differences in turnout as in constituency size.
一些分析家指出,选举体系对保守党明显不公,无外乎由两个类似的原因所导致- - - - - -各选区实际参选人数之间的差别和选区大小不均。
In the past this has also meant that gauging the size of the market was difficult and the apparent 80% penetration rate given for mobile-phone use is probably too high.
The apparent change in size of the sun is caused by dust in the air near the horizon.
The C-value paradox: no correlation between apparent structural complexity and genome size.
Apparent multimodality of the distribution, or lack of it, is often an artifact of the size and nature of the area mapped.
As with most apparent alien craft sightings, the quality of the footage and picture is poor, and the shape or size of the object is difficult to work out.
Here, we provide reliable evidence that the size of protein interaction networks in different organisms appears to correlate much better with their apparent biological complexity.
The damage size increases with increase of charging current density, but not so apparent at higher current density.
As an appendix, expression for escape sign, size of Graph and letter, colour, brightness, brightness contrast, visibility and apparent distance are also listed from technical requirements.
The effects of bed temperature, input concentration, apparent gas speed, and absorbent grain size on the absorption performance were studied.
Following the reduction of solids size and the increase of leaching time, the slurry apparent viscosity is increased slightly.
The results showed that corn particle size did not affect DMI, growth performance and the total tract apparent digestibility of DM, GE, CP, NDF and ADF (P>0.05).
It is apparent that the visible Brownian motion depends on the size of the invisible bombarding molecules.
The properties, such as apparent density, specific surface, particle size distribution and activity of mechanical activated fly ash at different grinding time were studied.
The sensitivity of the size of resource to project duration becomes apparent from the results provided in Figs 5A–C.
The apparent inconsistency, however, is that China produces the same measure of grain on only half the size of US crop-land yet supports a population nearly four times that of the United States.
As players of high reputation lamentably misplaced a series of straightforward, no-pressure passes, the size of his task must have become horribly apparent.