How we look and how we appear to others probably worries us more when we are in our teens or early twenties than at any other time in our life.
Only secure people can serve. Insecure people are always worrying about how they appear to others.
Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one. Deal kindly but firmly everyone. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.
Deal kindly but firmly with all your classmates. You will find it the policy which wears best. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.
Before his death, he filed a deed protecting the use of his image until 2039, preventing others from recreating him using CGI to appear in a film, TV show or as a hologram.
A person who is unable to stimulate others' curiosity or make their life enjoyable may appear somewhat boring.
Other epigenetic processes appear to occur randomly, while others are normal, such as those that guide embryonic cells as they become heart, brain, or liver cells, for example.
The trials so far have shown that, for reasons that remain unclear, some patients appear to benefit more than others from the device.
Prior work by this team and others suggests that sheep, monkeys, pigs and a bird (the starling) also appear to either be optimists or pessimists.
I'd like to believe that to be true, although, I confess, some situations appear to be more challenging than others.
The research "could contribute to explaining why certain skin diseases appear at certain sites of the body and not others," says dermatologist Richard Gallo of the University of California, San Diego.
And for a contrary reason, how disagreeable does he appear to be, whose hard and obdurate heart feels for himself only, but is altogether insensible to the happiness or misery of others!
You can offer your help to others but back off if they appear to be offended by your persistence.
So, while each segment may appear different from the others at a cursory glance, they all really lead back to the self-same starting centre.
Why have some countries been able to achieve sustained growth while others appear to remain trapped in dire poverty?
While some PMs appear to be more rational, informed, trusting, or experienced than others, all share the same concerns about the project.
虽然一些PM 好像比其他人更理性、见多识广、可信赖,或有经验,但是所有 PM 都对项目有相同的关注。
Watts is convinced that chimpanzees notice and predict the actions of others, that they play off each other and may appear to coordinate their actions.
Some appear for 20 to 30 seconds, others for much longer times.
有些广告出现时间长达20- 30秒,还有一些要更长。
In fairness, some of the more outrageous messages appear to be gags (let's hope so). But others, unnervingly, are not.
At first sight, they seem to be absolutely different, but when the movie finishes, they appear similar in the eyes of others.
Others type "info bash" (to view the GNU info documentation), causing either the man page to be redisplayed, or (if they are lucky) only slightly more friendly info documentation to appear.
还有人输入“infobash ”(来查看GNU信息文档),只能得到重新显示的帮助页,或者(如果幸运)略为友好的信息文档。
According to the Health Protection Agency, people are most infectious to others soon after their symptoms appear, and continue to be for around five days as the symptoms subside.
In fact the letters were related, in a very subtle way, with some more likely to appear before or after others.
Some athletes have a stride that eases across the ground with grace and composure while others appear to strain with every step.
I hope you forgive me for what happened, as I had just started to learn about human behavior. Since then, I have learned that people should appear kind to others in public.
I hope you forgive me for what happened, as I had just started to learn about human behavior. Since then, I have learned that people should appear kind to others in public.