No application dossier can be returned, and the application fee is non-refundable.
NO application dossier can be returned, and the application fee is NOn-refundable.
Paying application fee is the prerequisite of your getting the chance of enrollment.
A $50.00 Cdn residence application fee is required prior to processing (date stamping) of this application.
一个$ 50.00元需要居住证费用中(日期前处理此项申请。
Pay application fee with the application package together or at registration after arrival. Application fee is non-refundable.
The application fee for employment visas is $720, more than the average monthly incomes of many professions in Mexico.
Advanced platforms that have a limited instance-level ability to provide metering and billing often opt to provide generalized billing models in which there is a flat fee to run application code.
The correct application processing fee paid in cash. Fee is non-refundable.
There is no additional fee and the visa application fee remains the same.
Login>Member User>Upgrade Apply, choose intended Type of Member and then submit application. Upgrade will be completed when application is approved and membership fee is paid.
On the day of interview, the applicants should pay HK$200 entrance fee which will be returned only if the application is not successful.
This is not a full list of admitted students as for those who have settled the tuition fee payment, their application number would not be appeared in this list after the offer confirmation deadline.
Applicant should pay the Entrance fee and Deposit to the bank or agent office, which is assigned by the club, or the club, within 7 days after its application has been received by the club.
If this application is not accepted by the Agency for Volunteer Service, the membership fee will be refunded to the applicant.
For applications made outside the United Kingdom: the date that the fee associated with the application is paid.
The patent application number is the number of patent applications received minus the number of applications deemed withdrawn without application fee.
Remarks: If the application or tuition fee is not received in full amount due to deduction of bank charges, applicant has to arrange remittance of the balance to our Institute's account again.
Please note that the processing fee is non-refundable for any application that is withdrawn or refused.
There is no additional cost that we charge for your family members to apply and be approved for the visa, except sometimes a small government application fee at the US Consular Office.
Moreover, the processing fee is non-refundable for any application that is withdrawn orrefused.
Application is valid only upon receipt of application fee. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
JJ:Actually, if you do not pay the application fee, it is likely that the graduate school will not send your files to our department.
JJ:Actually, if you do not pay the application fee, it is likely that the graduate school will not send your files to our department.