The application for registration of aProfessional must be submitted together with a copy of the player‘s contract.
Article 25 for the application for registration of new drugs, clinical trial or bioequivalence trial shall be conducted.
June 1909 application for registration of three-pointed star of Daimler's car as a symbol of landing on water and air mechanization.
Procedures for the application for registration of foreign Banks and other financial institutions shall be stipulated separately.
Generally, it is not necessary to conduct clinical study for the application for registration of drugs with existing state standards.
Application for imported drugs shall refer to the application for registration of the drugs that are manufactured overseas and marketed in China.
Article 12 the date of application for registration of a trademark shall be the date the application form for the same is received by the trademark Office.
In applying for registration of alternation, the application for registration of change signed by the company's legal representative shall be submitted.
Article 139 for creating the right to the use of land for construction, an application for registration of such right shall be made to the registration authority.
Application for drugs with existing state standards shall refer to the application for registration of the drugs for which the SDA has promulgated official standards.
The contents of the application for registration of an enterprise are the same as those main items prescribed in Article 4 of the "Interim Provisions for the registration of Enterprises".
Article 7 Where a party entrusts a trademark agency with the application for registration of a trademark or with the handling of other trademark matters, a Power of Attorney shall be submitted.
In other cases, customers, distributors or retail partners make the application for registration, or individuals apply with the aim of selling the trademarks back to the company.
Article Seven Application for the registration and filing of software products shall be submitted by the relevant manufacturer together with the following documents.
On deployment, specify the context root of the Web application and keep it in mind for the registration step in Lotus Connections.
The registration authority shall make a decision of approval or disapproval of the application for registration within 30 days after receiving it.
Article 41. Any application for a trademark registration and for other matters concerning a trademark shall be subject to payment of the fee as prescribed.
JMS messaging also allows for the possibility of an asynchronous activity registration and compensation processing, further speeding up the application source code.
The application shall be accompanied by the original application for Assignment of a Registered Trademark or application for Renewal of Trademark Registration as well as the Notice of Rejection.
For example, a default Hobo application provides for user signup and login; out of the box an application comes with a user model as well as controllers and views for registration and authentication.
A motor vehicle for the registration of which an application is submitted shall undergo safety and technical inspection.
At the time of application for the registration of a motor vehicle, the applicant shall accept the technical inspection of safety on the motor vehicle.
In applying for registration of a company, the applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application documents and materials.
A foreign enterprise that applies for the registration of a Representative Office shall be liable for the authenticity of the application documents and materials.
This article analyses the common problems in the registration application and quality control of drug substance, and gives some suggestions for the issues concerned.
This article analyses the common problems in the registration application and quality control of drug substance, and gives some suggestions for the issues concerned.