XMLBeans provides the following application program interfaces (APIs) for data binding.
It presents the application program interfaces (APIs) for many of the available methods from the 2.6.23 kernel.
The resource kernel provides a set of application program interfaces (APIs) to allow tasks to request these reservations (see Figure 5).
In addition, Windows developers use Windows platform-specific application program interfaces (APIs), headers, and language extensions.
There are application program interfaces (APIs) in the resource adapter package to facilitate access to the CICS application from the session EJBs.
资源适配器包包含应用程序编程接口(Application Program Interface,API),可用于帮助从会话ejb访问CICS应用程序。
Finally, in step 10, the SOA security team is responsible for creating a set of standards and application program interfaces (APIs) for third-party vendors.
最后,在第10步中,SOA安全团队将负责为第三方供应商创建一组标准和应用程序编程接口(Application Program Interface,API)。
There have been a series of allegations that Microsoft kept secret some of the "application program interfaces" used by Word as a means of hobbling rivals.
Here is an overview of some typical application program interfaces (APIs) that you can use to make a project multithreaded in both Windows and UNIX environments.
It supports a wide choice of network cameras and encoders, and the open platform includes application program interfaces for integration with third-party systems.
Cloud services have also emerged, which provide internal mechanisms for interoperability as well as external application program interfaces (APIs), such as Web services.
The type interfaces are the most interesting of these classes from the application program standpoint.
This program not only enables drag-and-drop creation of user interfaces, but also allows developers to visually "wire" the UI controls to methods on the underlying application controllers.
这个程序不仅支持用户界面的拖放创建功能,还允许开发人员以图形的方式将UI控件 “连接”到底层应用程序控制器上的方法。
For the development of upper layer communication protocols and application software, this system also provides wireless communication interfaces and application program framework.
For the development of upper layer communication protocols and application software, this system also provides wireless communication interfaces and application program framework.