This function is enabled by features of the application server to support dynamic clustering techniques.
At the client, as long as there is a function to handle the challenges thrown by the server, the client application is platform independent.
You might wonder if moving the administration function from the application server to the admin agent provides more capability.
Some server managers prefer the "one server, one function" method, so a single server runs a single application.
Increased performance can often involve sacrificing a certain level of feature or function in the application or the application server.
A future release of Application Server will enable this function by supplying the required V5 templates and runtime changes.
Application Server的后继版本将通过提供所需的版本5的模板和运行时变更来开启该功能。
Before delving into the specific procedure, let's briefly discuss the embedded function that WebSphere Application Server provides to preclude configuration conflicts.
在深入探究具体的过程之前,让我们先来简要讨论一下WebSphereApplication Server提供的用于阻止配置冲突的嵌入功能。
In this application, you set up a helper function, and this routine relies on the ICONS that the Domino server provides.
When the client receives the response from the application server, the function defined in the callback event is invoked.
The xajax PHP object performs the function of an intermediary between the client application and the server. First, include the xajax class library
Version 1.1 includes application service building blocks that can greatly simplify integration of the client function to server capability.
The package includes a full-function integrated development environment, a scalable Web application server, and DB2 UDB built-in XML features.
该软件包包含了功能齐全的集成开发环境、可伸缩的Web应用程序服务器以及DB2UDB内置的XML 功能部件。
Although not a fully configurable Web server, it provides the function needed by applications running in a WebSphere application server - Express environment.
虽然无法完全配置Web服务器,但是它提供了WebSphere Application Server-Express环境中运行的应用程序所需的功能。
However, WebSphere application Server provides support for page and fragment caching through its dynamic cache function without requiring any application changes.
The developing steps are expounded. It also illustrates a constructing plan for the network integrated application server and its integration function.
The third party information port application server complete the function that visits the data of outside system transparent.
This function is provided as a convenience to the client application for more efficient design or handing new data presented by the server.
In this way, the operator of the online commerce site (106) may prioritize server access per service level agreements based on a specific third party application and API function call.
The authentication based on JAAS together with authorization and audit function provided by J2EE application server assure the security control for system.
The authentication based on JAAS together with authorization and audit function provided by J2EE application server assure the security control for system.