The demand for high performances printing papers is growing as the digital printing technologies found applications widely.
Feature models are widely used in the SPL requirements commonality and variability analysis phase to model all possible configurations of SPL member applications.
This powerful capability enables companies to provide users with an integrated, consistent means of working with a complex network of applications within a widely fractured IT infrastructure.
The reasoning is this: PHP is now very widely deployed and, by extension, a large number of popular PHP-based applications are also widely deployed.
原因是这样的:PHP现在得到很广泛的部署,自然地,大量流行的基于PHP 的应用程序也得到了广泛的部署。
Getting those details right is necessary, though, as you move beyond writing applications for yourself and a few other programmers to widely distributed and commercial products.
The items being tracked may vary widely from NMS to NMS, such as equipment, circuits, servers, installed software services and applications, and so on.
Regular expressions, introduced into the JDK in version 1.4, are a widely used feature in many applications.
正则表达式在JD K 1.4版本中引入,是许多应用程序中广泛使用的一个功能。
Object Relational Mapping (ORM) solutions are widely used in today's enterprise applications.
Web services are widely used interfaces for different types of clients to invoke SCA applications.
Linux is now so widely deployed and ubiquitious as a technology choice for running devices and powering applications, it’s now not even news.
Analysts widely expect the new iPhone to include a faster microprocessor for running applications at a greater speed, along with a more powerful camera.
This technique is used widely in Web applications now.
Although Web browsers are the most widely-distributed SVG renderers, specialists in SVG often have focused their own attention away from conventional Web applications.
As you can see, multiple authentication and authorization strategies are available in Grails, because requirements vary widely among applications.
Anygui is nice because it lets unmodified applications run on widely different platforms (but it therefore supports the "lowest common denominator" of the supported toolkits).
That said, expect more applications to take advantage of those portions of the draft specification concretely defined, widely implemented, and stable.
In many cases, the strategies used to leverage platform services may be reused across many applications, which may automate widely-varying business functions.
Overall, SVG is one of the most widely and warmly embraced XML applications.
What if you're developing software commercially, or developing applications for a large and complex organization with widely ranging and even competing interests?
CSS is widely used to manage the overall look of the browser applications.
Overall, SVG has been one of the most widely and warmly embraced XML applications.
But another aspect of why this article is so widely cited shows the importance of theoretical research in applications.
Pressure sensors are now wide range of applications, it is not only used in industry, but also widely used in medicine. Here's a brief medical pressure sensors.
Until recently, PCL was not widely used in significant quantities for biodegradable polymer applications due to cost reasons.
Applications Integration of the whole performance, scroll air compressors are widely used in industrial fields.
It has widely applications in many mathematics subjects, such as optimization theory and method, control theory, programing and global analysis.
The Thread Pool technology is widely used in many multithread applications.
The Thread Pool technology is widely used in many multithread applications.