So, a kind of iterative learning control algorithm is given based on confirming comparative degree of X-Y table system, and it is applied to the force control sub-space.
When jigs and fixtures are designed, the clamping system is designed to ensure that the correct clamping force is applied, and that the clamps can be operated quickly but with safety.
The simple expressions of the end force of a cable are deduced according to the catenary equation, and applied to the nonlinear equilibrium equations of a cabin-cable system.
A flexible grinding machine applied to a robot flexible grinding system and its constant grinding force compensation mechanism is presented.
Model reference control and repetitive control were applied in multi-channel electric hydraulic synchron-force servo loading system, and a new control method based on online learning was put forward.
Designing the working condition parameter optimization and calculation system for the plow head 'force, the system has been applied to design and practice production and achieved good results.
In the test, the computer data collection system has been applied to measure rolling force, torque and power in rolling procession.
The sale force automation, which was the first problem to answer when CRM was applied to chinese garment enterprise was the main important part in the CRM system.
Aerial machinist VR training system is a scientific project for air force, which applied VR technique to daily training of new equipments.
It is also pointed out that in high formwork support system design, 2% vertical force applied as horizontal force on weaker side of formwork stiffness can assure the structure security.
By applying the structure invariant theory in the control strategy, the feedforward-feedback control theory is applied in the control system design to reduce the redundant force.
By applying the structure invariant theory in the control strategy, the feedforward-feedback control theory is applied in the control system design to reduce the redundant force.