If you expect to enter the Royal College of Music in the fall, you should apply now.
How the Aznar model can apply now will depend largely on Mr Rajoy's first finance minister. And who will that be?
Okay, I start off, point A is at a distance h h above this level, and so I apply now the conservation of mechanical energy.
There are five basic lessons (and there are many more to come) from the US that Asian policy makers can learn from and apply now.
"Bright" and "passionate" — a company that wants "bright" or "passionate" employees is hoping to tap into the energy of youth. You're perfect. Apply now.
Now educators are experimenting with ways to apply this model to academic subjects.
Now, as you know, when you apply for a post with our company, we need to find out a few things about both your academic background and recent work experience.
You can now apply the suggested modifications right away or save a task in the task center.
For each rule, we can now define a set of constraints to apply to the mapped elements.
Now apply the following Blending Options.
Also, the development team can now apply best practices for designing software systems to the design of the user interface.
In addition to being able to create custom environments, you can now apply customizations that affect the delivery process for those environments.
You're now ready to apply the Tracing and FFDC aspects.
Dr Nowbahari and her colleagues now intend to apply the four-point model to a range of non-human animal situations to determine if the rescuer's behaviour was indeed heroic.
We've talked about progress long enough; it's now time to apply what we know, so we may grow.
The book contains some theoretical "what is motivation" type articles but mostly it offers practical tips and advice that you can apply to your own life NOW.
That contrast between flashy inspiration and stolidity may now apply to the world's big central Banks.
Indeed, the risks of nationalization they warned about then apply equally to the United States now.
And, now, if you apply Green's theorem, you see that when you have a counterclockwise curve, this will be just the area of the region inside.
It's 71 or whatever so that if condition doesn't apply, but now what do I do in this next line?
Bosnian Serbs may now apply in large Numbers for Serbian passports.
Now I'll apply this knowledge of the MFC composite intrinsics to the uppercase conversion program.
接下来,让我们将有关MF c复合intrinsic的知识应用到大写转换程序中。
You can now apply XQuery to the combined dataset, as in Listing 4.
You can now apply SVG transforms to any old Web browser object so that for example you might decide to rotate an IFRAME by 45 degrees, a trick that would usually require the Canvas facility.
您现在可以向任何一个旧Web浏览器对象应用SVG转换,例如,这样您可以决定将IFRAME 旋转45度,而这通常需要使用 Canvas 工具。
Team members can now apply patches submitted as attachments in files using the new method of pasting the patch contents in the Package Explorer in Eclipse Galileo.
现在团队成员能够应用以文件形式作为附件进行提交的补丁,这可通过使用一个新方法实现:在EclipseGalileo 的PackageExplorer 中粘帖补丁内容。
With all the necessary patterns created, we can now apply the first component pattern in the sequence by starting the Pattern wizard.
The 2010 budget will now apply next year, giving the president even more room to spend at will.
You can now apply the emergency fix in the same manner that described earlier: Navigate to the virtual Systems page, select the desired virtual system, and then click the apply service wrench icon.
You can now apply the emergency fix in the same manner that described earlier: Navigate to the virtual Systems page, select the desired virtual system, and then click the apply service wrench icon.