Applying this to the Web space, an HTML file represents data; a CSS stylesheet represents styling of a particularly structured set of data.
Both Lucene and Solr also offer the ability to restrict the space being searched by applying one or more filters, which are key to spatial search.
If you're applying for a financial analyst position, don't waste space including your teenage stint as a lifeguard.
The result of applying the normalize-space function on the address element child of the label element.
将normalize - space函数应用于label的子元素address所得到的结果。
Applying the land use general planning is bound to bring space and structure's transformation. The paper discussed the environmental impact of land use transformation.
Applying actuality of the triangle space steel tube truss is introduced in this paper, and investigated a bearing force characteristic and capability. The paper also provided application results.
Through the evaluation chain, it ensures the continuity of the enterprise's information system's developing and applying on time and space.
The preconditions of applying kicking methods correctly involve analyzing the application opportunity of various kicking methods, grasping the time, distance and space difference.
Then, by introducing a corresponding Krein space stochastic system and applying projection and innovation analysis, the minimum of indefinite quadratic form and its existence condition are derived.
Applying phase space reconstruction method to divide time series into segments, we have mapped original series into multidimensional data space.
Applying MDT API, the method of the developing CAD system is discussed with emphasis on. The spherical triangle arithmetic is presented hi the fixture assembled vision calculation of space Angle.
Applying air pressure to the annular space between the sleeve and the body actuates the valve.
Applying outdoor scene and timid scene space art ingeniously can break through the limited space and create limitless space.
For calculating the rotating speed of planetary gear in space turnover gear trains, a formula is derived by applying the transforming mechanism of turnover gear trains.
Build design uniqueness by applying multiple codes Redefined space and successfully broke away from inertial design in a single expressive manner.
The practicability and feasibility is discussed on modern space locating GPS technology applying to slope monitoring in this paper from theory and practice to meet diggings slope safety's demand.
By applying the principle of time-space, light-machine-electricity integration can reduce the use of LED to cut down the cost.
Aiming at the state explosion problem existed in the software model checking, a scheme of applying program conditioning to reduce the state space of programs was proposed.
Cleverly applying the cold and warm tones of materials to the adjustment and control of the feeling can create healthy and comfortable living space and make people happily.
In order to work efficiently on the information security, the paper mainly concerns on filtering the documents of the short messages by applying the concept space technology.
Infrared imager is a kind of precise optical instrument applying in the space environment, main function is to obtain the images of movement objects on the ground or in the space.
Conclusion: the epidural space block anesthesia is superior to regular injection analgesia, and has a protective effect on cardiovascular system after operation, worthy of applying to clinic.
The paper introduces the extending of address space of 51 microcomputer by applying CPLD.
Based on the state space model systematized, and applying the dynamic output feedback, the conditions for robustness disturbance decoupling are proposed in the paper.
Quadrupole mass spectrometer's volume, weight and performance are the most important facts applying in space field.
Free-space-to-fiber coupling technique investigated in this paper is the first challenge of applying fiber communication techniques to free space optical communications.
To meeting the applying requirement of space optical communication, we designed and realized the miniaturization of mechanical structure for electro-optic modulator.
The propagation of explosive seismic wave in half-space is calculated by applying incomplete separation variable method, so the movement fields of response of ground particles are received.
Applying indirect boundary element method, the influence of Underground Inclusions in layered Half-space on the near earthquake ground motions is investigated in this paper.
Applying indirect boundary element method, the influence of Underground Inclusions in layered Half-space on the near earthquake ground motions is investigated in this paper.