Make sure you set aside these times in your appointment book or calendar so you can't make excuses or forget!
Remember, some vaccines need to be given months ahead, so make sure you book an appointment as early as possible.
'If you feel constantly bloated for more than a couple of weeks and that feeling doesn't disappear after you've been to the loo, then book an appointment to see your GP.
When you are dealing with a preschool age child, sharing this type of book with your child can be of great assistance in preparing for a doctor's appointment.
So start making pancakes, and book that hair appointment today - you'll want to make sure you're ready for Long Tai Tou!
You can book appointments face to face, for example, if you want a foot massage: can I book an appointment for a foot massage?
你可以面对面地进行预约,如果你想做足底按摩的话:Canibookan appointmentforafoot massage ?
An appointment by telephone or face to face or to date, opened the book... These seemingly ordinary, in fact reflects the French rigorous, efficient work habits.
Making an appointment conforms the rule that early book early play, and strictly forbid transferring the fixed group.
Use our powerful contact address book with appointment schedule, task management, and email all linked back to the appropriate contact.
Through concrete cases in library work, this paper discusses on the mistakes in book lending associated to the functions of "registering and canceling by appointment", "renewing based on book", etc.
Read the personal finance pages of newspapers, search the Internet, book an appointment with a financial adviser - do whatever it takes for you to get money-savvy.
Read the personal finance pages of newspapers, search the Internet, book an appointment with a financial adviser - do whatever it takes for you to get money-savvy.