So if you understand this chart you will begin to appreciate the life of a neutron in the reactor core.
The decorative doors are no longer the functional decoration in the space, but gradually become the picture scrolls that enable people to enjoy and appreciate the life and relax themselves.
You can be easily caught up by life problems that you forget to pause and appreciate the things you have.
We need to foster an awareness of film sound as well as film space so as to truly appreciate an art form that sprang to life during the twentieth century — the modern film.
Though a middle-class person may "want to live like common people", they can never appreciate the reality of a working-class life.
This ability to appreciate specific aromas turns out to be central to the pleasure we get from food, much as our ability to recognise individuals is central to the pleasures of social life.
Awareness is the key to balanced living because it lets you see every moment of your life and appreciate it.
To know what it is like to live a negative-focused life, I now feel like I have the perspective to really appreciate those things that are positive.
Soak in the life you have now and appreciate everything you get to experience, good or bad, ups or downs.
We express love and gratitude to others, and increasingly appreciate the wonder of life and the blessing we do have.
Appreciate the people in your life, and practice saying thank you for any courtesy they show you.
Learn to be in the here and now, and experience life as it's happening, and appreciate the world for the beauty that it is, right now.
We might appreciate those who dedicated to their whole life with the wishing of making the world better.
In recent years, the temple fair has become a place for people to appreciate the traditional art and experience the traditional life.
Some, like an account of the release of the iPad 2, is so recent that it is hard to appreciate yet, even if Mr. Isaacson says the device comes to life “like the face of a tickled baby.”
Life as a whole is better if you go slowly, and take the time to savor it, appreciate every moment.
Life as a whole is better if you go slowly, and take the time to savor it, appreciate every moment. That's the simplest reason to slow down.
Find at least one thing in your life to appreciate: the softness of your cat's fur, the winter sky, the spontaneous hug from a friend.
The fact is, we shouldn't have to be in such dire circumstances to appreciate the simple gift of life.
The fact is, we shouldn’t have to be in such dire circumstances to appreciate the simple gift of life.
Suffering can be a gift that humbles you and helps you to appreciate the joys that life gives you, no matter how small.
Interact with the world, appreciate nature, take notice of the simple pleasures life has to offer, and just watch as life unfolds in front of you.
If you find any of the above particularly effective -or not -in your life, or if you have other ideas for reclaiming time, I'd really appreciate it if you would comment and share with other readers.
If you find any of the above particularly effective - or not - in your life, or if you have other ideas for reclaiming time, I'd really appreciate it if you would comment and share with other readers.
Most people say they appreciate the importance of a balanced life, but dedicate 75% of their life to work and an additional 10% to watching t.v..
It is a time to let go of resentments, appreciate the people in your life, and reach out to people that are less fortunate.
Across South Korea, people are using mortality as a personal motivator to learn how to better appreciate life, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Across South Korea, people are using mortality as a personal motivator to learn how to better appreciate life, the Los Angeles Times reported.