However, it's become a common practice to do just the opposite. e-commerce sites have taken this "scatter shot" approach of trying to slap the potential buyer with as many options as possible.
The Don Nelson days of trying to get up a good shot as quickly as possible have been replaced by a more traditional approach straight out of the Gregg Popovich school.
And so the staff is a captive audience for their manager's jazz-band gigs, elegies over his approach shot to the 17th green, or any other avocation mistaken as part of the vocation.
This paper puts forward a technical approach to realize setting to the explosive control system through controller before shot and reading the setting date as explosive control parameter after shot.
Initially walking through the pre-production phase we're able to learn many critical lessons on how to approach a visual effects shot 'the right way'.
Revolving is the core of throwing-technique, it is a main approach of acquiring shot-velocity of weight throw.
Further it mainly aims at the segment of shot, selection of key frame, classify of audio characteristic and detection of caption-region in video and presents corresponding improved approach.
Extensive experiments carried out on TRECVID2007 database show that the proposed approach works well in detecting shot boundary measured by both recall and precision.
通过对TRECVID 2007数据库进行实验的结果表明,该算法在查全率和查准率方面都获得了较好的性能。
Based on the experiments of shot peening to some specimens, the paper makes an approach to strengthening mechanism and fatigue resistance technology for nodular cast iron.
The approach shot is invariably with the ball below one's feet; hitting a controlled mid-iron from this position is a shot of great skill, but alas few 'flat landers' possess such ability.
Our antivirus solution is faster than the other traditional approach and is a sure-shot method of protecting your PC.
The approach shot will be to an elevated green with three tiers so good placement will reward with an opportunity to score, but anything else will be a test of putting skills.
The approach shot will be to an elevated green with three tiers so good placement will reward with an opportunity to score, but anything else will be a test of putting skills.