Since the data federation pattern does not create copies of source data, source changes do not have to be propagated or processed in this approach.
Since the target is created specifically to support those service requests, this pattern is a preferred approach for requirements of highly frequent transaction execution.
The simplest approach is to encapsulate the creation of the proxy class within the Factory pattern.
If the application access pattern is predominately update access, then pessimistic approach might be advantageous in that it avoids optimistic concurrency update failures.
This approach is slightly different, because it assumes that the designer works actively with design pattern catalogs and USES the relationships between those patterns.
This coding pattern follows the same approach that Part 1 of this article series introduced as an example (see Resources).
This approach facilitates the creation of the work products by using the reusable pattern assets.
This pattern realizes a synchronous, real-time integration approach to distributed data.
The approach to using this pattern follows the model-driven development approach of instantiating the pattern parameters to specific UML model elements of the service or interface.
The pattern isn't a concrete solution that you simply cut and paste, but it is an approach to how you might solve the problem.
This type of approach to transformation leverages both a declarative and visual style of pattern definition with the underlying control of code.
The pattern in Figure 25 illustrates the approach of using data flow to represent events.
This article has presented the data consolidation pattern as an approach to gathering data from multiple sources, to processing and transforming this data, and then to applying it to a single target.
The DAO pattern protects your application from being tied to a particular persistence approach.
The ESB pattern offers a flexible and manageable approach to SOA implementation.
One good and simple approach in creating a pattern is to start with the design and implementation of the artifacts; that is, the subject to be turned into a pattern.
This pattern implements a belt-and-braces approach to cover failures of the commits.
After briefly describing the value of this approach, you'll learn the context in which the data cleansing pattern should be applied.
We described the data federation pattern as an approach to data operations against an integrated and transient (virtual) view where the real data is stored in multiple diverse sources.
Part 1: This article, which focuses on an overview of MDD and Pattern-based development approach
第 1部分:本文,着重于MDD和基于模式的开发方法的概述
From that point, WebSphere CloudBurst takes over the deployment process and USES its intelligent placement approach to determine what machines in the cloud will host each part in the pattern.
JUnit has a bit of this pattern language approach, because it can help you write a test case.
Paul's original suggestion of a high level approach to implement an intelligent store and forward pattern is gratefully acknowledged.
The bottom-up pattern is the best approach for exposing existing function as a Web service.
自底向上模式是将现有功能公开为Web 服务的最好方法。
China is shifting her growth pattern, gradually and carefully. For an economy with more than 1.3 billion people this is the right and responsible approach.
This approach lets you closely follow the MVC pattern, and limits the amount of business logic that is placed within our portlet controller.
The advantage of this design pattern is that it is well aligned with the overall service implementation approach. The disadvantages of this pattern are
A better approach is to represent the design pattern as an XML design that can be validated by an XML editor or parser. Defining the design pattern in XML has the following benefits.
A facade pattern provided by JPA Manager Beans, which is used in a service approach.
MVP is a valid pattern, and useful in many scenarios, but in WebForms I felt too much friction to consider it a good approach in ASP.NET.