The Basketball Hall of Fame gave Wilt an aptly-named "Stilt".
Try the aptly-named Oink to reduce the memory usage of your Rails application.
Oink: Try the aptly-named Oink to reduce the memory usage of your Rails application.
To the east, the aptly-named Peak 6231 has a summit 6,231 meters (20,443 feet) above sea level.
"First, we trained individually, then in lines, before building up to full formation," said aptly-named chief training officer Yuan Daqing.
"First, we trained individually, then in lines, before building up to full formation, " said aptly-named chief training officer Yuan Daqing.
In fact, he offers descriptions of how restaurants and food makers manipulate ingredients to reach the aptly named bliss point.
The method for subscribing is aptly named "subscribe" and requires two parameters, both arrays.
The unique collection is aptly named 'Cardiff At Night,' and includes a photo of a man walking across a street, his face and shirt covered in blood.
The unique collection is aptly named 'Cardiff At Night, ' and includes a photo of a man walking across a street, his face and shirt covered in blood.
这一组影像被取了一个恰如其分的名字:“夜晚的卡迪夫”。 其中甚至包括一个男人满脸满身是血、穿过街道的照片。
PBase users also publish a professional looking magazine, aptly named PBase magazine, that has a pretty cool history.
You can configure mysqld to log slow queries in the aptly named slow query log.
The support class for the lookup task is aptly named PrintServiceLookup.
支持查找任务的类被恰如其分地命名为PrintServiceLookup 。
For an example, I'll use PMD's aptly named ExcessiveMethodLength rule for finding long methods.
There is also a class for displaying a list of bikes, aptly named CommandLineView, which depends on the RentABike type.
You script the Twitter stream by creating a script aptly named lintweet.
通过创建一个命名为 lintweet 的脚本,可以将Twitter流编写成脚本。
The aptly named Philip Merry, chief executive of consulting firm Global Leadership Academy, began his search for Singapore's most cheery resident last month.
The book, aptly named 2008 - God's final witness broke all records for books.
This aptly named tool is essentially a patch to the kernel code that lets hackers access kernel memory and data structures.
The names of the nested elements correspond to the field names within the table being queried, while the document element — the root of the XML tree — is, aptly, named .
被嵌入元素的名称与被查询表中的字段名称对应,而文档元素 —XML树的根 —被相应地命名为 。
Aptly named Hannibal earned infamy for beating his model wife to a pulp in a suite at the posh Claridge’s hotel in London.
The wallpaper, probably one of the most viewed images of all time, is aptly named 'Bliss.
Though charming and colorful, this aptly named fish’s displays are meant as a warning.
So high and dry is Paranal in Chile, and so clear its night skies, that the European Southern Observatory set up its aptly named Very Large Telescope in the area...
The Dead Zone is aptly named due to the low levels of oxygen, causing no aquatic life to survive in this area.
Robert Sanders rows past his Holly Grove, Arkansas, home atop Mississippi River floodwaters Tuesday with his dog-aptly named Lucky.
Accra's notorious slum is aptly named.
In this fascinating book Helen Scales, an aptly named Marine biologist, explains the myth, biology and ecology of what the Victorians called "queer fish".
But now 99 Cents Only stores, a company that is based in aptly named Commerce, California, has stores in Arizona, California, Nevada and Texas.
现在的99美分店(99CentsOnly Stores)在亚利桑那,加利福尼亚,内华达和德克·萨斯各州都有店铺,而其起家地则在加利福尼亚的康莫斯市(名字起得很恰当[1])。
In fact, he offers descriptions of how restaurants and food makers manipulate ingredients to reach the aptly named “bliss point.”