She wore a beautiful creamy white dress with light aqua-blue embroidery, and Her long, flowing hair was adorned with gorgeous butterfly pins.
For those waiting, the terminal provides clusters of aqua-blue chairs that are scattered around almost haphazardly, like puddles might form after a quick rain.
I hesitantly entered the aqua-blue filth-smeared corridors and headed through an impossible maze of hallways, passing unruly-facial-haired men tittering in soiled khakis and sipping tall boys.
This third room is more on the aqua side of the spectrum, but quite often when people refer to something as "light blue", what they've really seen is aqua.
Another TV commercial comes on showing beautiful aqua blue ocean waves and an attractive couple lounging on the white sandy beaches.
This is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf.
They were about nine feet tall, had scaly skin with an aqua cast, which changed from blue to green in conjunction with two seasonal cycles each year.
Thellos is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf.
The colors of the suite are aqua blue, paired with leather in the men's salon and a warm persimmon shade for the women's salon.
Soft burgundy-brick shade topped with shimmer that changes from rosy to pale blue to aqua green, depending on the light.
The focus is on fresh pastel shades like aqua green, pale pink and blue as well as the classical ecru, white and black.
The focus is on fresh pastel shades like aqua green, pale pink and blue as well as the classical ecru, white and black.