Poor harvests of high-grade Arabica beans have also contributed to the surge in coffee prices.
As a type of Arabica coffee, Mocha coffee plants thrive in high altitudes and the specific climatic conditions of the port city of Mocha contributes to the coffee's unique flavor.
Try: JavaSoy Coffee, a healthy blend of roasted soybeans and Colombian and arabica coffee. Each 8-ounce serving provides 7 times the protein (2 g) of a regular cup.
She says other orange growers in her village saw how her life had improved and pulled out their trees to plant Arabica, a high-quality coffee plant that thrives in Yunnan's climate. (See slideshow).
The three commercial types are Arabica, Robusta and Kona. Kona types of coffee beans are grown in Hawaii.
As most coffee lovers know, Arabica coffee plants thrive in high altitudes.
Death Wish Coffee is made from Robusta beans which contain 'nearly double the amount of caffeine' than the Arabica beans used by high-end roasters, according to experts.
Starbucks selected the finest Arabica beans to make sure the highest standards of quality coffee offered to customers.
Each species has varieties ranked underneath it, and there are many varieties of arabica coffee trees.
Its made up of a special blend of Robusta and Arabica beans, which has been specifically created to make a coffee with an unusually aromatic and delicate flavour.
Arabica production represents 80% of the world's coffee trade, however, only 10% of this meets speciality coffee standards.
K-LINK Arabica coffee is made from a unique blend of high quality Arabica coffee beans with ginseng and ganoderma extract.
Yunnan Blue Supreme is made from a blend of high quality Arabica beans including rare wild coffee beans.
Because Arabica beans give the coffee distinctive taste, which make the Arabica coffee has a sweet soft and pleasant tangy taste.
LAVAZZA Grounded Coffee-Dolce Pink The sweetness of Columbian Arabica combined with the typically Oriental spicy fragrances of Asian natural Arabica conferring also a deliciously smooth taste.
LAVAZZA Grounded Coffee-Oro Gold The historical Lavazza blend of 100% Arabica, combining prestigious coffees from Central America with some African varieties distinguished for their intense aroma.
At present the world most coffee beans mainly come from three original varieties, they are Arabica beans, Robusta beans and Liberian beans.
At present the world most coffee beans mainly come from three original varieties, they are Arabica beans, Robusta beans and Liberian beans.