The children are playing a game of cops and robbers.
One night, 6 teddy bears are playing a game of poker.
The children are playing a game. They've all just lain on the grass.
Sandy and Sue usually go to bed early at night, but tonight they are playing a game.
Then imagine that you and I are playing a game of poker and you have 10 chips and I have 200 chips.
Kevin Huang and David Lin are classmates. They are playing a game in front of David's house. They see John in front of Mr. Wang's house.
Are playing a game, I hear the sound of the bell, an Epiphany, is not to test this afternoon? I immediately ran into the classroom reading.
They are probably playing a game and have forgotten about the water.
Are we playing in a game where all the rules are constantly being rewritten?
It can take time for people, having seen that they are playing a non-zero-sum game, to adjust their attitudes accordingly.
For instance, you might be able to begin playing the first level of a game while the rest is still downloading, making them almost “streamable” in the same way that movies now are.
Once you click on "get the item" though, you are give the opportunity to move from playing a realistic or educational game to actually buying an item and supporting the village in real life.
Players still will be able to control the fighters — which are the enemy when a player is playing the game alone — but they will be referred to simply as "Opposing Force."
Whether it's about choices around education, feeding, sleeping or even something as simple as the name you have given your child, we are all playing a desperate game of one-upmanship.
The aim is to trick human judges into thinking they are playing against other people in such a game.
It's like they're playing a game of monopoly or doing some fantasy baseball trade or playing a game of poker and us entrepreneurs are just the Skittles they're playing with.
In an exhibition center, part of the company's "trash tour," visitors are now playing a new video game.
Millions of hours are spent playing online games each week; imagine the amount of good we could do if the objective of the game weren't to build a virtual farm but to help a real one?
These scuba divers are claiming a new world record after playing the same card game underwater for 36 hours.
Now imagine playing a game of soccer with the same impairment. While the visually-impaired are usually unable to participate in athletic activities, blind soccer is a truly inspirational exception.
Gardening, game playing, working with art supplies, and music are all good resources; it is not important to spend a lot of money or buy "kits".
其他方面,如园艺、游戏、从事艺术类服务、音乐等,也都是良好的学习资源。 至于是否要花很多钱,或者去购买各种成套资料,都不重要。
What may look like complex topics are just ways we want you to think more deeply about the game to derive a greater satisfaction from playing.
Men's friendships are often built around Shared activities — attending a ball game, playing CARDS, working on a project at the office.
Without a moment's hesitation, 5, 000 people are playing a reasonably good game of Pong.
In the Gulf, newspapers are playing a careful game.
Operators can now safely manipulate battlefield weapons from control rooms half a world away, as if they are playing a video game.
“At least we have something in common with America,” the logistics officer says. “The Pakistanis are playing a double game with us, too.”
For example, iPhone owners are twice as likely to see mobile web ads and four times as likely to see an AD while playing a game on their phone or while using a location-based service.
For example, iPhone owners are twice as likely to see mobile web ads and four times as likely to see an AD while playing a game on their phone or while using a location-based service.