The world, and the home fans, simply expect Spain to bring home the trophy; the Dutch fans are pleasantly surprised to find their own team in the final.
Sometimes, people are pleasantly surprised to learn that an old vase or toy or piece of jewelry is worth hundreds of times more than they thought it was.
In a recent interview, the client noted: "... others often tell us that they are pleasantly surprised that a modern home can be so warm and family friendly."
People are very pleasantly surprised by birthday and anniversary cards because it is so sweet of someone to have remembered.
If you had a CORBA "experience" a few years ago, say during an evaluation period, and are now taking another look, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Teachers have been pleasantly surprised by how much some of the less-able children are achieving in maths as a consequence of this approach.
You may be pleasantly surprised to find that the images from films and television programs are not always true.
You might be pleasantly surprised by the results if you are not entirely unrealistic.
Guests are often pleasantly surprised how they manage their walk with ease once in the company of a group when the pace is gentle, conversation kicks in and the scenery around you is inspirational!
I was pleasantly surprised by this book and expected it to be a dud since there are so few reviews.
I was pleasantly surprised by this book and expected it to be a dud since there are so few reviews.