What did Mary and her mom argue about?
The concept has multiple forms, and scholars and policymakers argue about the shape, scope and cost of the ideal program.
That’s because we are more likely to argue about animals than A, B, and C.
She wanted to argue about very small differences and unimportant details.
What kind of things do philosophers working in this tradition argue about?
Palmer and Mike Novick argue about how to proceed after George Ferragamo's death.
And if something can't be measured, it's hard even to argue about, let alone agree on.
Perhaps, as long as fast food exists so much time we argue about its harm to our health.
Some argue about this assertion of the purpose of class, but the latter point is undeniable.
Researchers argue about why certain cultures have become more individualistic than others.
It's interesting, though not necessarily profitable, to argue about whether the bear market is over.
Though scientists argue about the rate and cause of glacial retreat, most don't deny that it's happening.
Programmers may argue about whether it's easier to find a job as a Linux developer or as a Windows developer.
Find something which you like to argue about in the pub write down your conclusion and write down your premises.
People love to argue about whether China or India will win the economic race, yet both can prosper together.
Sure, you will often find plenty to differ on and argue about, but essentially you are very much like each other.
The other two days, she gets home early and we argue about whether she should do her homework right after school.
Some people who come to mediation tend to argue about anything and everything, including things that can be easily resolved.
What I want to emphasize here is that I lacked trust on her. So a fight came out even though there is nothing to argue about.
But a wise blogger once said that it's a good principle to argue about other people's main points, not to quibble over side issues.
We can argue about whether the ends justify the means (i.e. deficit spending) but the public can grasp the need for such a mechanism.
Historians can argue about which of these caricatures most accurately suits the general (there is probably truth in both of them).
People love to argue about whether entrepreneurs are born or made, with many feeling that success in small business is somehow genetic.
WHILE some argue about the finer philosophical points of how to improve models of the climate (see article), others just get on with it.
How to recognize it: you argue about the same things all the time and find yourself avoiding entire subjects because they trigger fights.
These differences are not absolute and one can argue about them quite effectively over a cup of coffee, but I'm going to offer my viewpoint.
They don’t know how much fun we have when the six of us — dogs included — squeeze into one bed and argue about what movies to download from Netflix.
他们不会明白我们六个在一起是多麽快乐 -还包括狗 -挤在一张床上,争论该从Netflix5下载什麽电影.
They don’t know how much fun we have when the six of us — dogs included — squeeze into one bed and argue about what movies to download from Netflix.
他们不会明白我们六个在一起是多麽快乐 -还包括狗 -挤在一张床上,争论该从Netflix5下载什麽电影.