And I found a armored car on crossing of GuCui Road.
The only thing I ever won in my life and actually received was an armored car.
After the match, all that money gets put in a lockbox and taken to an armored car.
It was a small town and every day after work the driver took the armored car home with him.
A passing police car turned to investigate the accident as the men were removing the contents of the armored car.
We're supposed to be the most civilized nation on earth, but we still cannot deliver payrolls without an armored car .
When you're ready for a change, use the included instructions to rebuild it into a high-speed go-cart or a tough armored car!
Taking a certain armored car as example, the AHP method is used to certain user demand and to calculate relative important degree.
A Lingling post office armored car set off as usual on the morning of June 1 to collect funds from postal savings Banks around town.
The drama began when an armored car carrying the contents of safe deposit boxes to a bank was struck by a large truck , police said.
"Approved Carrier" shall mean an armored car company approved by the Exchange for the secure transportation of Gold, Platinum and Palladium.
To sum up, to improve reasonable coping style of the armored car crew, the emphasis should be put on those with lower age, less education and lower military time.
Last April, in Alexandria, Egypt, our group, all Americans, was told to stay together, to travel only in the specially arranged bus, the one with the armored car escort.
Based on the characteristics of the amphibious armored car operational effectiveness and partial least-squares regression, the forecast method of operational effectiveness is introduced.
Coping style of the armored car crew has close related to mental health, and is different between the crew with higher level of mental health and those with lower level of mental health.
And now, the collected valuables disappeared from the armored and well-guarded train car on their way to Moscow.
This car will be armored and plated using the latest technology.
This car will be armored and plated using the latest technology.