In this hospital, around the hospital, there are hundreds of dead people - men, women and children.
In regards to healthcare, there is an urgent need for improved sanitation in the wards and around the hospital grounds.
Initially, he was noncommittal. After giving it some thought, he stated that he often helped clean around the hospital ward and really enjoyed it.
The men were happy to have cleaner wards and better food. They called Florence "The Lady with the Lamp" because she walked around the hospital every night comforting patients.
He wrote to the hospital seeking permission and then relied on nurses to ask each individual set of parents for approval. Around half of them said yes.
Instead of being at home, she went straight from the hospital to a superluxury confinement center that costs around $500 a day.
Extra police have been deployed around Sanlu's headquarters and the city's main children's hospital.
Reached by phone on Monday morning, hospital officials in Zibo said the injured began arriving around 5 a.m., with about 100 ambulances ferrying the injured to local hospitals.
The expansive campus – complete with apartments, hospital, school, mall, KFC, and a Hyatt hotel, all built around a natural lake and dotted with saplings and flower beds – is meant to impress.
Continuous sterilization, of course, keeps infectious bacterial pathogens from spreading around places like hospital wards, where immune systems are low and the chances of infection are high.
They get back to the field hospital at Bastion, transfer him to the operating room, and the base medics put a screen around his body. That's when they call his time of death.
As she leads me around the LABS at the top of the National University Hospital, Aksglaede says: "We couldn't relate the changes to obesity."
Asking around at the hospital, she found Linda, a sixteen-year-old girl with incurable leukemia.
Osama sat down on the stoop of the hospital. The fighters sat around him.
'she asks if she gets pocket money and says The Little Mermaid is her favourite film,' Rosie says. 'When she came out of hospital she looked around and asked where her toys were.
How horrible it would be if the patient couldn't communicate yet could understand the people standing around his hospital bed, talking about him as if he were dead.
Many of the patients fled after the attack and staff in the hospital said shells continued to fall around the perimeter.
Lost productivity, hospital stays, crash investigations, higher insurance premiums and the like may have a combined cost of around 1-2% of GDP.
生产力损失、住院、事故调查、高额保险费等等所付出的成本总共约占GDP的1% ~ 2%。
In an interview, she claimed that the hospital had three mortuaries where bodies with numbered tags around their necks were stored in a pool of formalin to preserve them before they were dissected.
Around his good friends and neighbors have heard the news, very anxious, hurried to the hospital.
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital surveyed almost 2,000 physicians in a variety of fields around the country.
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital surveyed almost 2, 000 physicians in a variety of fields around the country.
Dr Shetty first started thinking about the dismal management of health care when, as a trainee doctor at Guy’s hospital in London, he had to spend hours sitting around doing nothing.
谢缇医生(DrShetty)在伦敦盖氏医院担任实习医生时,就开始思考医疗保健系统糟糕的管理状态。 当时他每天大量时间都花在无所事事的闲坐中。
Gosling was arrested this morning, around 36 hours after he told the BBC's East Midlands Inside Out programme he had used a pillow to suffocate an unidentified young man he said was dying in hospital.
高斯林在BBC的East Midlands InsideOut节目中承认自己在医院里用枕头闷死一个据他说病危身份尚未被确认的年轻人。36小时之后的今天早晨,他遭到逮捕。
Gosling was arrested this morning, around 36 hours after he told the BBC's East Midlands Inside Out programme he had used a pillow to suffocate an unidentified young man he said was dying in hospital.
高斯林在BBC的East Midlands InsideOut节目中承认自己在医院里用枕头闷死一个据他说病危身份尚未被确认的年轻人。36小时之后的今天早晨,他遭到逮捕。