You'll probably get to help each other up from falls and skate around the rink holding hands.
Around the ice skating rink, they have flags of all the different countries.
Mikey imagined that they were skating a victory lap around the Olympic rink and she was a member of a gold-medal hockey team.
Rice met with around 30 young ice-skaters at the Russian Army Sports Club rink who gave the top US diplomat a demonstration of their skills before posing for photographs.
当天,赖斯在俄罗斯中央陆军体育俱乐部滑冰场会见了约30名小滑冰选手。 小选手们为赖斯进行了冰上表演,还有幸与这位美国高级外交官合影。
The result was a flow of electrons around the edge of the material, like skaters circling the perimeter of an ice rink.
The result was a flow of electrons around the edge of the material, like skaters circling the perimeter of an ice rink.