The experiment was conducted in three stages: re-orienting the classroom teaching to arouse interest of the students;
I deem it imperative that we arouse interest in the study of military theory and direct the attention of the whole membership to the study of military matters.
To introduce the relationship of intersecting and permeating each other between various subjects of primary and advanced mathematics, and to arouse interest of students.
And the metacognitive strategy, as a new research direction in recent years, increasingly arouse interest of strategy researchers because of its significant effect on language learning.
They arouse the interest of all the readers.
Interest - sometimes your personal headline will arouse enough interest, sometimes you'll have to deliver more information.
However, in what way the advertisement can pass the sensory, imaginary, informative, emotional meaning to the customers and arouse their interest?
Instead, they may turn to some majors and disciplines that are less materially beneficial but can arouse their passion and interest, such as liberal arts.
Other events also can be considered, as long as it can arouse the audience and the sponsor's interest.
We are sorry to tell you that your offer failed to arouse any interest among our clients.
Music teachers must arouse the interest and adopt multiform teaching methods to carry out creativity teaching.
I think, no matter what, parents prepared to do the child should be allowed to choose whom he will, so as to arouse their interest, turning them into useful talents.
Most of these adapted classics are funnier and easier to understand than the original one, and that arouse the readers more interest.
A message, or part of a message, designed to arouse curiosity and interest and cause the reader to explore further, but without revealing too much detail about the offer being promoted.
We should arouse and cultivate the students' learning interest in order to get twice the result with half the effort in English teaching.
Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set your child plays with will make him curious and arouse his interest.
My lack of excitement, of curiosity, of surprise, of any sort pronounced interest, began to arouse his distrust.
To cast and present in a manner intended to arouse strong interest, especially through inclusion of exaggerated or lurid details.
It is the Chinese teacher's duty to arouse students' interest, give guidance to the method of reading, and cultivate good habit and psychology of reading.
Every part of her capable of externally expressing affection was in action, working to arouse his interest.
Reading on their own initiative may arouse students' more interest, improve their reading ability and quality as well as the teachers' teaching quality.
By classifying and analyzing the animal terms used in science and technology, the article is aimed to enrich learners' knowledge of English and at the same time arouse their interest in the language.
By classifying and analyzing the animal terms used in science and technology, the article is aimed to enrich learners' knowledge of English and at the same time arouse their interest in the language.