If this is true, then it saves the string value for the contents of the element in the items array.
The element type of the array and the type of the value must be of the same type.
But as we hope we've shown in the table, that really represents an array with a single element whose value is null, not a null array.
The array in which the CGI parameters are held depends on the value of the action attribute in the element.
For each element of the array, the demo_xml.tpl template generates an XML element containing the value retrieved from the array.
demo_xml . tpl会为数组中的每一个元素生成包含从数组查询到的值的xml元素。
Note that you use (i+1) because in the array, the counter value of the first element is zero; as you want to start with the first element, the 1 is added.
注意,这里使用了 (i+1),因为数组中第一个元素的索引号是0,要从第一个元素开始,必须加上 1。
It first defines a new element, , and links it to an options array containing key-value pairs.
它首先定义了一个新元素 ,然后将它链接到一个包含名称-值对的选项数组。
When we pass an array, the argument is a pointer to the first element in the array. That pointer value is copied; the array elements themselves are not copied.
The array_shift function removes the first element from an array, and returns the value of the removed element.
If the statement assigns a value to an expression, replace the expression with a single writable variable, property, or array element.
For example, languages that provide for the array data type also provide an operator that allows the uses to read out the value of an array element.
Its default value is an empty one-dimensional array of the parameter array's element type.
Method Before volume rendering we transfer each slice of volume into an array indexed by the value of voxels, element in which stores the position of each voxel.
This is used to append an element to an assigned array. If you append to a string value, it is converted to an array value and then appended to.
Converts the numeric value of each element of a specified array of bytes to its equivalent hexadecimal string representation.
Converts the numeric value of each element of a specified array of bytes to its equivalent hexadecimal string representation.