Cairne Bloodhoof: We've arrived in time! The next wave is advancing!
Fortunately, the firemen arrived in time, which avoided greater damage.
If you hadn't arrived in time, you must have missed that important interview.
Darth Sidious sensed Vader's anguish, and arrived in time to rescue his fallen apprentice.
George couldn't come for dinner, but he arrived in time to have dessert and coffee with us.
The crew arrived in time to set up the stage and to make sure that the show could start on time.
Fortunately Vashj arrived in time to free the blood elves, who were suffering terribly from their hunger for magic by this time.
At dawn, the alarm rang, reluctant to get up, my greetings arrived in time, happy bar, then smile. Good morning, wish you a good mood!
May now think of it, she had just arrived in time, did not realize who he was so good that he called and no one can not be moved to bar!
Much of northern Japan remains without power, so it remains to be seen if the system, which was triggered, arrived in time to provide a useful warning.
The 24-year-old Tolkien arrived in time to take part in the Battle of the Somme, a campaign intended to break the stalemate between the Allies and Central Powers. It did not.
Some families had older children who were malnourished as youngsters, but younger children who had always been healthy because Oportunidades had arrived in time to help them eat better.
Time passed merrily in the large town which was his capital; strangers arrived every day at the court.
You can imagine that when Maori first arrived in the new country, in New Zealand, it may have taken some time to find suitable materials for their kites.
In the fulness of time the interesting occasion arrived.
She called 911 and help arrived just in time.
她拨打了 911,救援人员及时赶到。
I have the pleasure to inform you that the Adelaide arrived here safely yesterday, just in time to get them discharged before holidays commence.
The Owenses estimated that by the time they arrived, in 1986, there were only five thousand elephants in the park.
By the time William the Conqueror arrived in England in 1066 the French had turned the Latin into beuf.
When the day and time in question arrived thousands of potential suitors gathered.
I arrived in my parking deck just in time to hear him mention arsenic and apple juice in the same sentence.
I arrived in my parking deck just in time to hear him mention arsenic and apple juice in the same sentence.