The up ARROW key: Scrolls content upward by one line.
The DOWN ARROW key: Scrolls content downward by one line.
Click on the arrow key in the far right of this cell and select the status column.
Click the far right corner of this cell to display an arrow key and select Build Expression.
单击该单元格的最右端以显示一个箭头键并选择Build Expression。
TIP: To move an item one pixel at a time, select the item and press an arrow key on your keyboard.
Use the arrow keys to move, press the Up key to jump, while air born press again 4 higher jump.
Key game with about change direction arrow keys to accelerate and decelerate the space bar to jump.
Listing 15. Code fragment of the key-up event handler for handling the up Arrow and Down Arrow keys.
清单15.key - up事件处理程序中处理upArrow和Down arrow键的代码片段。
If the camera supports zoom function , you can press up or dowm arrow key to adjust the focal length .
This means that you can often select the proposal of interest with only a few presses of the down-arrow key.
Or you can use the space bar or the left and right arrow keys to move the highlight, and then press the return key.
To adjust the zoom control by using the arrow key, first set the focus on the zoom control by using the TAB key.
Select the control and press the ARROW keys while holding down the SHIFT key to resize the control one pixel at a time.
To see all of this information, click on the Matched panel of the Test Rule section and scroll down using the down-arrow key.
First, we want to click and drag our layer below the original yellow text layer and move it one space to the left with the arrow key.
You can do this by holding Alt and the right arrow key (you can return to the LFS user by doing the same with the left directional button).
To widen that interval, select the Items for Purchase label and press the down-arrow key on your keyboard to move the item to its proper location.
With simple arrow key controls, it’s easy to pick up and play and then safely put down and get back to work once you’ve recharged your batteries.
With simple arrow key controls, it's easy to pick up and play and then safely put down and get back to work once you've recharged your batteries.
You just need to use the down arrow key to highlight the selection ( in this case ) and press Alt+Enter so that it opens in a new tab.
Press the DOWN ARROW key, press the RIGHT ARROW key, and then press TAB until you reach the Select Multiple Objects button, and then press ENTER.
When you hit the Play button, the character will start walking in place when you hold the up arrow key and return to the idle pose when you release it.
Tip: the combination of the shift key and arrow keys is the fastest way of moving around a web page when wanting to locate links and web form elements.
Try the Tab key to move forward between fields and links, Shift + Tab to move backwards, and the arrow keys to change which items are selected in lists or radio button groups.
尝试使用Tab键在输入域和链接间切换,使用Shift + tab后退,以及使用箭头键更改列表或单选按钮组中选中项目的选择。
Other core events include ctrlaltdel, which indicates that you pressed Ctrl-Alt-Delete, or kbdrequest, which is used to indicate that you pressed the Alt-Up arrow key combination.
其他核心事件包括ctrlaltdel,它说明您按下了ctrl - alt - Delete,或kbdrequest,它用来说明您按下了alt - Up(向上箭头)键组合。
Once you're there, you can use the arrow keys to select a particular window or group and then hit Enter to launch or activate it. As ever, you can cancel out of this mode by hitting the Esc key.
Once you're there, you can use the arrow keys to select a particular window or group and then hit Enter to launch or activate it. As ever, you can cancel out of this mode by hitting the Esc key.