Such community engagement is characteristic of the Chicano art movement as a whole, which evolved from the same foundations as the Chicano civil rights movement of the mid-1960s.
The movement synthesized elements of modern art that hadn't been brought together before, such as Cubism and Surrealism.
Music, physical movement, art, and food all add to the ambiance of taking an imaginary trip to China during the Chinese New Year.
I continued programming character movement and interaction while the artist created the background and character art using Flash.
High finance not only funded high art, but its money and movement helped to fuel the humanist ideals that inspired the Renaissance.
He then made his own version of it, which is visibly influenced by the Art Nouveau movement.
It is essentially the art of learning, not only from books, but from the whole movement of life.
Andy Warhol was one of the central figures in the Pop art movement, which started in the mid 1950s.
However, while film as such is a celebration of movement, it paradoxically drives the audience to new extremes of immobility compared to traditional art forms.
At Linda Gallery, Nicoykatiushka's "Tune in, Turn on, Drop out" brings together artists from across Latin America without delineating a specific movement or dialogue in the art.
Klimt was a founder of the Vienna secession art movement that for many became synonymous with jugendstil the German and central European version of art nouveau.
Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion.
For too long the world has failed to recognise that the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement are about fine athletics and fine art.
When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at.
Liu's art speaks of movement, instability, transition, and transformation.
During the shooting it's more like execution: I talk with the actors lot, and Wing will do a lot with the director of photography, lighting, art direction, costumes, makeup, camera movement.
The third movement: pure art creation—vitality found the destination, deformed figures returned to expressing paintings, many human natures are expressed completely.
The movement synthesised elements of modern art that hadn't been brought together before, such as Cubism and Surrealism.
A painter, Monk, as a spirit leader of this art movement can excavate peoples feeling and experience deep in their hearts .
Historically, the Tanner Fountain was the first institutional project of the "Landscape as Art" movement.
Tao Yuanming's "take prose as poem" firstly is a method of writing, a technique of poetic art expression, and has no relationship with the "movement".
When the art movement went like a rising wind and scudding clouds, China's art market was also started.
This paper aims to explore his literature view through the following three aspects: film literature, literary creation in wartime, and movement of literature and art in wartime.
Visual Movement, like the Golden Section is something we all 'see' and 'recognise' automatically on an almost subconscious level but we sometimes fail to acknowledge when we compose our own Art.
When western modern art and architecture came through the modernism movement, modern landscape architecture also got influenced by modernism inevitably.
As a bout of contemporary Chinese art movement, "AMoy Dada" rooted in the broader history of ideas and art history background.
As a bout of contemporary Chinese art movement, "AMoy Dada" rooted in the broader history of ideas and art history background.