In our art music, our symphonies, concertos genres of this sort, the performer is actually much less important.
In our art music, our symphonies, concertos, genres of this sort, the performer is actually much less important.
Performing group of diverse instruments in various cultures; in Western art music, an ensemble of multiple strings with various woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments.
Somebody like Art Tatum can make me sit up and take notice, but some music, like rap, isn't very musical and I can't learn anything from it.
The word culture includes not only the customs of our society, its art, music, but also everyday activities.
Glasgow's year as European capital of culture can certainly be seen as one of a complex series of factors that have turned the city into the powerhouse of art, music and theatre that it remains today.
For example, I think the best analogy to modern dance is modern art or modern music.
Your donations help make children with special needs able to have alternative therapies such as animal-assisted therapy, art and music therapy, massage therapy and water therapy.
As its name implies, descriptive writing simply describes, or provides an image of a piece of music, art or literature.
The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy.
Boys' schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as art, dance and music.
Factual writing provides background information on an author, composer or artist, or on a type of music, literature or art.
Imagine that an alien species landed on Earth and, through their mere presence, those aliens caused our art to vanish, our music to homogenize, and our technological know-how to disappear.
His music is not a version of popular music packaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listeners steeped in rock rather than the classics.
They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable.
Playful math to numbers is what poetry to words, what music to sounds, or what art is to visual perception.
Some critics will point out subjects such as Art or Music and label them as being frivolous and time-wasting.
Finally, we go to music and art classes for the last hour of the day.
The Royal Society of Public Health discovered that music and art, when used in hospitals, help to improve the conditions of patients by reducing stress, anxiety and blood pressure.
Music, physical movement, art, and food all add to the ambiance of taking an imaginary trip to China during the Chinese New Year.
AI created a piece of music about COVID. Many of AI's art creations are beyond artists'imagination.
Think for few minutes of the areas of human knowledge that may possibly be unknown to you - psychology, semantics, anthropology, science, art, music, management, etc.
Learning French is more than just verbs and vocabulary; it's also about the French people and their art, music... - not to mention the cultures of other francophone countries around the world.
Christopher Pearse Cranch, considered by some to be the most eclectic in his interests, was interested in art, music, and theatre.
In everything we create-works of art, music, literature, even our children-a bit of ourselves is revealed.
在我们所创作的每件事物中- - -举凡艺术品、音乐、文学,甚至我们的孩子- - -都流露出我们的一点样式。
Great games require more than just cool technology; great art, music, and stories are also part of the mix.
New York's art, music, dance, and fashion scenes are a mecca for the young and professional alike.
The contribution made by art, music and fashion to the city's economy has, she argues, long been overlooked.
An autistic person can be brilliant in science, art, music and other disciplines, and that's an opening to help.
Instead, these guests feel attracted by the delivery of a total experience combining interesting interiors, art, music and entertainment in an uplifting package to enjoy.