The word entered the English language in the 1930s, following the artistic movement known as surrealism.
It's a relatively new word in English, only dating back to the 1930s, derived from descriptions of the artistic movement of the early 1900s known as surrealism.
Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years.
Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years.
The postmodern condition is not an artistic movement or a cultural fad or an intellectual theory—although it produces all of those and is in some ways defined by them.
Feminism became a great social movement in the 20th century, and an important way of artistic creation and criticism as well.
Line, movement and voice constitute the essentials of visual artistic form and auditory artistic form.
A poem is the artistic soul a poet creates with life, and the process of a poem creation is the one of a poets intrinsic life movement and sublimation.
The paper draws a line between dance and drama from movement and speech, expression and narration and symbol and imitation, and analyzes the respective artistic features of dance and drama.
Germaine Greer and Kate Millert joined the movement, adding literary and artistic style.
Writers tend to weave novel story lines into their travel writings, creating an artistic effect that transcends the literary form itself via traveler movement and scenery change.
There are the lack of the contemplation of arts of body movement and the lack of the emotion of artistic expression;
Normally, literary and artistic origin only derives from various social practice, not some simple reasons only, for it is an ever-changing process of movement.
The forms of expression of abstract language in comprehensive painting include feelings, suggestion, movement, the mixture of different senses, artistic conception.
European artistic and literary movement (9 '-923) that flouted conventional aesthetic and cultural values by producing works marked by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity.
达达主义运动:欧洲文学艺术界的运动(9' - 923年),通过随意涂写、嘲讽、不和谐的作品,来藐视传统的艺术和文化价值。
Dada, a European artistic and literary movement (1916-1923) that flouted conventional aesthetic and cultural values by producing works marked by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity.
达达主义运动,欧洲文学艺术界的运动(1916- 1923),通过随意涂写、嘲讽及不和谐的作品来藐视传统的艺术和文化价值。
Dada, a European artistic and literary movement (1916-1923) that flouted conventional aesthetic and cultural values by producing works marked by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity.
达达主义运动,欧洲文学艺术界的运动(1916- 1923),通过随意涂写、嘲讽及不和谐的作品来藐视传统的艺术和文化价值。