They are as much a part of Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with its candles lit in many western countries.
They are as much a part of a Chinesebirthday celebration as a birthday cake with lit candles is in many countries.
On this special day, the seal got a large ice fish cake as a birthday gift.
"Yulelogs really loved his birthday cake," a worker said, "It's also a challenge for him as it requires a bit of thinking on how to get the fish out of the cake!"
“Yulelogs 真的很喜欢他的生日蛋糕。”一名工作人员说,“这对他来说也是一个挑战,因为他需要思考一下如何把鱼从蛋糕中取出来!”
As his big day approached, Magar's father said the family intended to mark the occasion by sharing a birthday cake with relatives and the dozens of journalists who have gathered in Pokhara.
As a personal gesture, he would be surprised with a birthday cake, a sheet cake with chocolate frosting, made by the base's own chefs.
Flower: I want a birthday cake the size of this house, and flowers as pretty as me.
B. Busy as usual, I will send Annie to her piano class at nine tomorrow morning. And then take Michael to hospital. Besides, I will make a birthday cake for Lynn. Tomorrow is her 5th year birthday.
These figures look like candles caused, for example, may be 5 with birthday cake, as a number of points on 5 candles, 50-year-old at a birthday candles as the number 50 on the trip.
Just as the gathering is sitting down for soup, Mother Bear shows up with a big, beautiful birthday cake.
It's not really a birthday until every guest is sporting a party hat and singing "Happy birthday," as baby tries to sneak some icing from the cake!
It's not really a birthday until every guest is sporting a party hat and singing "Happy birthday," as baby tries to sneak some icing from the cake!