As a college graduate with no student loan, no car repayments, and no mortgage, credit CARDS have helped me 'get into the system' and build a strong credit profile.
Your goal as a college graduate isn't necessarily to find your dream job that will propel you into a successful future — it's just to find a job to help you get started.
In other words, the study notes, at the peak of their earning power, the average worker with only a high school diploma earns only about as much as a college graduate one year out of school.
In other words, the study notes, at the peak of their earning power, the average worker with only a high school diploma earns only about as much as a college graduate one year out of school.
If I was entering IT as a newly managed IT college graduate, I'd be looking at semantic systems and knowledge management as the hot fields to be getting into.
In the U.S., a high school-educated worker is 1.8 times as productive, and a college graduate three times as productive, as someone with a ninth-grade education.
As an example of how valuable networking can be, a recent graduate I know just got a job offer from someone she had networked with at a college alumni event several months ago.
Believed to be the 2nd oldest person to graduate from college, she plans to use her education to work as a docent at a museum.
Eight months later, Kopko has launched a website he hopes can help college and graduate students who are feeling the loan crunch as well as kids as young as middle schoolers.
If everything goes as scheduled, Patterson, a junior, will graduate in May after only three years of college.
I am Working as Faculty member in a Post-graduate College.
May and June mark an exciting time for students as they graduate from high school and college and embark on a new chapter in their lives.
As you know, Stephen Schwarzman is a graduate of Yale College and he's one of the great stories of our century.
I am that college students graduates the year after next , I will want to go to be a soldier as the graduate next year.
Raised by adoptive parents who did not graduate from college, Jobs tinkered with electronics at a young age with his father, who worked as a mechanic and carpenter.
As I struggled to find the career path that would challenge me the most, I received a letter from a former student, a college graduate working for an advertising agency in Florida.
Nowadays there are a lot of such comparisons, which compares a fresh college graduate with possibly a very experienced migrant worker as well as their current income levels.
Dan is a graduate of Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he spent time as an English teacher before turning his efforts fully to writing.
Fengling was a graduate student at a college in Zhengzhou, where she worked as a pub hustler.
Founded in 1754 as King's College, Columbia University is today an international center of scholarship, with a pioneering undergraduate curriculum and renowned graduate and professional programs.
As a graduate from college, I have said goodbye to the timing of the confusing, found the self.
Although known as one of the most sought after pop ICONS in Asia, Leehom is in fact a classically trained graduate of Berklee College of Music.
As a graduate student major in art and orientated in oil painting in the Art College of Sichuan University, I researched on my process, which consisted of eight phases:1.
As a graduate student major in art and orientated in oil painting in the Art College of Sichuan University, I researched on my process, which consisted of eight phases:1.