Because the JNDI lookup can be expensive, it is good practice to store the provider object as a member variable of the portlet, and to initialize it in the init method.
It then appends all of that data as a hash table to the episodes array, which is a member variable.
I've made the number a member variable within the Classifier2 class, which allows me to avoid passing it around as a parameter to a bunch of static methods.
我把数字变成是Classifier 2类中的成员变量,这将允许我避免将其作为参数传递给一大堆静态方法。
As you can tell from Listing 12, you can use the shorthand form here, because Retention has a single-member variable.
The code in the method then USES the items array to look up the value and returns it as if there had been a member variable there for that keyword, in particular.
If the target bus member is a cluster, then the cluster name is used as the value of the variable.
Often I desire a copy constructor which initializes each member variable as a copy, rather than default constructing and then assigning. e. g.
When you create a member variable of the same name in derived as you have in base, all you do is hide the variable in the subinstance of base from casual use.
In this case, the root object is not also added as a member or local variable.
Question: Manually writing a copy constructor which initializes each member variable as a copy is very tedious, and verges on ridiculous as the number of member variables grows.
Any program element - such as a variable, class, or member - can have the same name as a restricted keyword.
Any program element - such as a variable, class, or member - can have the same name as a restricted keyword.