Cohesion is seen as a necessary condition in text production and thus holds an important position in text translation.
The need for beauty is the highest demand of human mentality as well as a necessary condition for the formation of perfect personality.
Shanghai facilities already meet all these expectations to be an international trade center. The commercial properties development is regarded as a necessary condition.
Someone thinks of time poverty as a necessary condition of employment, while others are trying to deal with the problem through downshifting or flexible work arrangements.
Foreign customers always regard whether there are CWI personnel as an important point to check an enterprise personnel's qualification and sometimes as a necessary condition of ordering for goods.
In a business setting - as in all other social relationships outside the workplace - trust is a necessary condition for effective cooperation within a group.
As the clothes against the cold, with one of the health is also a necessary condition of human existence, while it is often overlooked.
That is a necessary but not a sufficient condition, as the type of rock involved, called carbonaceous chondrite, is found in other asteroids, too.
At the condition of market competition, as a necessary result of superior and inferior, the success or failure of the enterprise's working, all people think that is very normal.
The question as to whether binarity is a necessary and sufficient condition to produce barium star is addressed.
As a non-sufficient but necessary condition for economic growth, human capital's contributions to economic growth depend largely on relevant system factors.
To do provide efficient road safety, uniting and coordinating the three elements: "human-metro-environment" is of great importance, as it is a necessary condition to the system security.
As the same time, the addition of the virtue education is the necessary condition to raise a qualified talented person.
Causality is a falsification schematizing and simplying the world and a necessary as a condition of life.
Further, it is made clear in the paper that the condition they supply is just the necessary condition for implication to be true that, it is improper to use it as a sufficient condition.
Finally, from the conclusions obtained, a necessary condition for AS machines to achieve the stable steady oper...
最后,根据分析所得出的结论,提出了A S电机取得稳定运行的必要条件。
A sufficient and necessary condition is drawn so as to distinguish the special similarity from the generalized similarity. In addition, some qualities of the generalized similarity are discussed.
That a syllogism includes exactly three terms should not be viewed as a rule of a syllogism but a necessary condition for forming a syllogism.
That a syllogism includes exactly three terms should not be viewed as a rule of a syllogism but a necessary condition for forming a syllogism.