As a single mother, I thought it would be fabulous to have the option of another child without first having to find the right man.
This one man is the single greatest asset in corporate America, which causes Apple stock to trade with a Steve Jobs premium, a variable that the shorts can use as well.
It's been said that the Mars rovers that have been on Mars since 2004 have done about as much work as a single, two-man Apollo crew would do in a day.
However, when we look not just at single rational statements, but at rational arguments (such as' all men are tall, Fred is a man, therefore Fred is tall ') we can see that the logic is useful.
Then my blindfold is removed and I'm face-to-face with a man. He asks me to smile, then blinks a single tear from his eye as I'm wheeled away.
This ferocious lion looks as if it were made of bronze, but it is really light and can be moved by a single man.
Then turn to the rest, not considering the death of a single man, but of a whole race, as of the Pompeii; and that which is inscribed on the tombs- The last of his race.
The situation of single parenting is a classic example to prove that a woman is better than a man as a parent.
I have that curiosity beside me at this moment, but not a trace of writing now remains beyond a single scratch, such as a man might make with his thumb-nail.
When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer, he will have to accept his suffering as his task; his single and unique task.
Typically the production of man-made colored textile and carpet fibers involves the feeding of two or more components into a single screw extruder, where they are blended and extruded as a filament.
As one single man told us, "Of course, I'd never recommend getting leukemia as a way to broaden your social sphere, but I actually have more friends now than before I got sick."
As one single man told us, "Of course, I'd never recommend getting leukemia as a way to broaden your social sphere, but I actually have more friends now than before I got sick."