The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire remains as a turning point in US history.
Their appearance on this planet is seen as a turning point in the earth's evolution.
The use of traditional painting as a turning point is not only Gao Feng's characteristics.
Nandu, as a turning point, made her life divide into two periods of happiness and bitterness.
The U.S. tests were also criticized for lenient standards, but they are now seen as a turning point.
Every day, every decision as a turning point in their lives because they have to ask God how to do?
In years to come it will be possible to place Deepwater Horizon in various narratives, perhaps as a turning point.
He says it was productive, and predicts it will be seen as a turning point in the pursuit of a global economic recovery.
I believe these Olympics will be seen as a turning point even more important than Nixon's courageous decision to visit China.
The 1998 triumph was hailed at the time as a turning point: the country finally recognising, and celebrating, its multicultural make-up.
When we chew "the thing is just the gathering itself again and again, a new starting point, as a turning point of" thinking ", comes into light."
As mentioned in the Section 1, the publication of the housing in the Nineties white paper can be seen as a turning point in Dutch housing policy.
Although the telegraph has since been replaced by the even more convenient telephone, fax machine and Internet, its invention stands as a turning point in world history.
The article, written only a year after he had joined the Harvard Business School faculty, can be seen as a turning point in the acceptance and respectability of marketing.
The dossier made a bad situation worse, the author concludes, but was not the turning-point it has been portrayed as.
But whether Portugal's capitulation marks a turning point in the euro zone's crisis depends at least as much on decisions in Brussels as on those in the Iberian peninsula.
Some in this brigade see the moment last autumn when Mr Cameron decided not to promise a (pointless) referendum on the ratified Lisbon treaty as the turning point in their fortunes.
Matsushima also believes this crisis will prove a turning point for the country as a whole.
For some this is unavoidable-not every disease has as clear a turning point as cancer-but for others a lack of planning is to blame.
The capture of Brill must rank as a turning-point not only in Netherlands history but in world history: an event of the order of the fall of the Bastille, or the execution of Charles I .
They will instead see the event as a reminder of a major turning point in history that dramatically affected their lives.
Most economists agreed the second half would be a turning point as the looser monetary and fiscal polices gradually took effect.
Most economists agreed the second half would be a turning point as the looser monetary and fiscal polices gradually took effect.