As a young man, he began walking over tens of thousands of miles during his lifetime, through the south to Florida, the west to California and north to Alaska.
As a young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice production.
As a young man, Jack was an excellent artist with a wife and two fine sons.
His fictionalized portrait of the artist as a young man is recalled by an older, disillusioned narrator.
His fictionalized portrait of the artist as a young man is recalled by an older, disillusioned narrator.
Have you ever read the book — a portrait of the artist as a young man?
As a young man he joined his elder brother's marriage to a woman named Prem Dasi.
As for myself, I'm still working on that list of life goals I made as a young man.
Seymour died soon after giving birth to her son, Edward, pictured here as a young man.
As a young man Morita had been expected to go into the family's 300-year-old sake business.
Then a sort of sepulchral transformation straightened up this centenarian as erect as a young man.
But as a young man he couldn't get his work published, and he wound up studying mathematics in college.
Despite having rekindled this other love, Hoffmann has no regrets about choosing chemistry as a young man.
As a young man, he lived through the local slump that accompanied the end of the Apollo program in 1975.
But he is better regarded as an escapee from India who made his fortune only after leaving the country as a young man.
The more he talks, the clearer it becomes that class was no joke for him as a young man - and still isn't, even now.
Mike Flancman, a 40-year-old Canadian living in Thailand, worked as a young man in the bottled-water industry in Vancouver.
If he had a motto, it may have come from "The Whole Earth Catalog," which he said had deeply influenced him as a young man.
如果他有座右铭,可能来自《全球目录》(“TheWholeEarth Catalog”),他曾说过,这本书在他年轻时深深影响了他。
Richardson first met Picasso as a young man when he was living with the art collector Douglas Cooper in the south of France.
He left as a young man, primarily so his children would have more opportunities, all the opportunities that America had to offer.
As a young man he had wanted to be an architect, but he became a capable composer of operas, a conductor and a decent director.
Claude Choules, who lived in Australia, joined the Royal Navy as a young man and witnessed the surrender of the German fleet in 1918.
As a young man, after a Cambridge education, he stumbled into a career as a drifter, a collector of butterflies and author of strange books.
As a young man, after a Cambridge education, he stumbled into a career as a drifter, a collector of butterflies and author of strange books.