In 1530 it meant to paralyze, deaden, stupefy, to stun or deprive of sensation, as by a blow.
In places such as India, ingenious, if slightly dangerous, devices exist whereby a fan is used to blow air through a mesh of straw which has water trickling through it powered by a small pump.
As I sat nursing these reflections, the casement behind me was banged on to the floor by a blow from the latter individual, and his black countenance liked blightingly through.
Brooks could always blow by people, but his improvement as a long-range shooter was the key to his winning the Most Improved Player Award.
Default by a smaller member such as Greece would be a body blow to the euro's standing but it need not spell the end of the currency.
By contrast, when people who blow a deadline have plenty of other work on their plates, besides the project they didn't finish on time, "they don't get as demotivated," Stephen says.
To divide from end to end or along the grain by or as if by a sharp blow.
To divide from end to end or along the grain by or as if by a sharp blow.