They would go on to work together for years as close friends and business associates, with Dennis as their leader.
According to those former college students, at that time students deemed professors as close friends that they could take into their confidence.
There is no doubt that people like to communicate with their close friends as often as possible.
People with five or more close friends are more apt to describe themselves as happy than those with fewer.
The documentary style further complicates things, as Gabe (Allen) and Judy (Farrow) start to come to terms with the decline of their marriage after close friends of theirs announce plans for divorce.
Stress not only wreaks havoc on the individual who has it, it often rubs off to family members and close friends as well.
The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo. Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid of honor.
When we barbecue, we are often entertaining family or friends. This distraction can lead to a fire hazard if you do not keep close watch on the barbecue as the fire burns.
If you don't immediately have someone to connect with - such as a spouse, kids, or other close family or friends - make an effort to get out of your house and to meet up with others.
People in close social groups, such as family and friends, were more likely to agree on the attractiveness of a face, according to an interesting study published in Perception.
You are left with your close friends, who are, naturally, people who have always thought as you have.
When I asked my wife and a few close friends about the matter, they weren't as surprised in me being in my own world.
They were officially announced as husband and wife in front of four close friends, who attended as witnesses.
Further research needs to be done to learn whether other long-term relationships, such as siblings, close friends, or parents and children, are similarly successful at communicating through touch.
Only the lucky ones with experience may be lucky to find their own way out of negative situations, just as others cannot do without the assistance from close friends.
It may be particularly difficult to detect lies in close friends or partners as we have come to trust them and don't expect them to lie to us.
So Jehu killed everyone in Jezreel who remained of the house of Ahab, as well as all his chief men, his close friends and his priests, leaving him no survivor.
One of the differences I observed between China and US pathologists is that pathologists in US are close friends with clinicians and we are always the team with patient care as our central task.
As children we should first show respect to our parents, looking on them as our close friends and letting them know what we are interested in.
Friends and close family members were by the former President as he passed away earlier in the day. Mr. Kim had been hospitalized since last month for pneumonia.
Besides our very close friends, as well as my wife brother and his family live in Montreal.
Over those twenty years we have become close friends as well as successful business partners, reflecting our Shared heritage as parts of major universities committed to excellence in learning.
Over those twenty years we have become close friends as well as successful business partners, reflecting our Shared heritage as parts of major universities committed to excellence in learning.