But we were actually named after relatives, as was customary among American Jews at the time.
Instead of making plows to order, as was customary at the time, he made them in advance and then rode around the countryside peddling them.
Skills such as introspection, reflection, empathy (stepping out of one's customary world-view), and non-verbal communication are also important to future success.
Also, it is customary to revoke a certificate only in the case that it is compromised and not simply as a means to revoke privileges.
As is now customary, flag-waving protesters from both sides took to the streets. See article.
The customary increase in processing power is required if you intend to use SoX on Win32, as this article demonstrates.
如果您打算在 Win32上使用SoX ,那么通常需要增加处理能力,如本文所演示。
We know it's not customary to exchange New Year's Eve gifts, but we couldn't help but get you a little something for the holiday. Well, erm, we didn't so much get it as bring it to your attention.
In Korea, it is customary for grooms to request that their successfully married friends carve them wooden ducks as a token of great marital bliss.
As is customary in cross-border airline mergers, BA and Iberia will merge financially, but not operationally-at least in the short term.
But for tourists, as a regular diet was not customary.
That morning we woke up, turned on the TV and, as I recall, saw someone playing the cello instead of the customary programming.
London Bridge Tower will soon be the UK's tallest building and as is customary for modern skyscrapers, has a nickname based on its shape - the Shard.
Shoe brands such as Jeffrey West and Patrick Cox provide heels of up to 5cm instead of the customary 1.5cm.
For example, a task typically has a set of steps, whereas a reference topic has a set of customary sections, such as syntax, properties, and usage.
It needs more than its customary show of guts to tell the story as it is to the public.
In the primitive ages, human rights were recognized and maintained by relying mainly on customary rules as primitive social norms.
It is customary to refer to design levels as high or low on component completely.
We used to love this approach, citing foreigners' customary congratulations as testament of the high quality of our artistic works.
As we must adhere to our customary practice, we hope you will not think us unaccommodating.
They also said Mexicans should refrain from customary greetings such as shaking hands or kissing cheeks.
As this is the first deal between us, I hope we can trade on customary terms, i. e., letter of credit payable against sight draft.
This eastward flight from all things customary and attached seemed as if it might have happiness in store.
As an informal institution, customary rule serves as the institutional foundation for agricultural labor market and safeguards the operation of the market.
Also, it is customary to include in this category any amounts an organization has received from customers but has not yet earned as revenue.
Also, it is customary to include in this category any amounts an organization has received from customers but has not yet earned as revenue.