Among men, the peak seems to be when a changeover in brain 'programs' occurs, as for instance between going to and from work.
One need only think of the systematic order in heredity, and in the effect of poisons, as for instance alcohol, on the behavior of organic beings.
As for instance, right after Fort Sumter fell and before the blockade was established, I bought up several thousand bales of cotton at dirt-cheap prices and ran them to England.
For instance, a research group here at Arizona State University recently claimed their developmental small CubeSats could cost as little as $3,000 to put in orbit.
For instance, a research group here at Arizona State University recently claimed their developmental small Cube Sats could cost as little as $3,000 to put in orbit.
For instance, they were used to stain previously invisible microbes and bacteria, allowing researchers to identify such bacilli as tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax.
For instance, crops would be produced all year round, as they would be kept in artificially controlled, optimum growing conditions.
For instance, subjects are given three words such as "age", "mile" and "sand"—and asked to come up with a single word that can precede or follow each of them to form a compound word.
I can concede that a player's mental attitude can be the deciding factor in an event, for instance, a marathon running or even a less strenuous game such as chess.
Experienced liars can make use of gestures to take you in; for instance, they often deliberately look at you straight in the eyes as if they were telling the truth.
This means, for instance, a CUNY student could reasonably expect to receive the same quality of instruction from a prestigious professor as they would if they were enrolled in the same class at NYU.
Take, for instance, the age at which people make commitments such as buying a house, getting married, having children, or starting a career.
But I believe this concept can apply to other areas as well; say, for instance, blogs.
This plan configures the components for an RA instance, as detailed for a deployment descriptor in the JCA 1.5 specification.
此计划对ra实例的组件进行了配置,正如JCA 1.5规范中部署描述符详细描述的那样。
There is still much that they don't know about minerals such as zinc, for instance, including how they are absorbed and all the roles they play in the body.
Adelie penguins, for instance, employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual.
For instance, as we mentioned already, all the binding information will need to be specified for the Partner Links.
A compiler, for instance, expects source code as input and transmutes it to binary code suitable for execution.
The rich do not often respond to tax increases by working less, for instance, as was widely assumed.
The current promotion of college students to serve as village officers, for instance, could be enhanced with training on biodynamic farming technology and environmental protection.
She says the regulations allow countries to take measures not recommended by the WHO in line with their own national rules, citing airport screening and quarantine as acceptable, for instance.
As early as 2002, for instance, the Vatican's "Church and Internet" document cautioned that "there are no sacraments on the Internet" and worried about the solipsistic appeal of technology.
We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests; as, for instance, that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours.
There is no such thing, for instance, as a 20th-century painter that is more famous than an entertainer like Sinatra.
The share of people willing to work may fall in a recession, for instance, as discouraged people temporarily drop out of the workforce.
You needn't deal with such tasks as overlapping or resizing a window, for instance.
You needn't deal with such tasks as overlapping or resizing a window, for instance.