The fact of the matter is that there's a whole range of interesting research out there and I think as the years go on, there's going to be much more for us to consider.
No matter what he ends up as in real life, I want him to have a secret identity that always fights for justice.
Here's my question: How did it become normal, or for that matter even acceptable, to refer to medical patients as "consumers"?
The truth of the matter, however, is that IT is a cost center for many companies (large and small), which motivates them to keep IT costs low while extracting as much value as possible.
For that matter, America loves Warren Buffett, just as it loved Sam Walton when he was the country's richest man.
As we have learned from the likes of Greece, Ireland, and the U.S. for that matter, politicians' denials of market rumors are typically anything but a sign of relief.
For these reasons, I urge all States that have not yet signed or ratified the Treaty to do so as a matter of priority.
They found that the same general ratio of dark matter to normal matter prevailed in these distant, small clusters as for nearby, larger clusters.
As mentioned above, DOAP files that conform to the schema will lose some RDF expressivity, but for most people this loss will not matter.
I think art is for all type of can be dressed up look, no matter how her skeleton and body, as long as she wanted that look.
It does matter to me, that we, as designers, care about the role of time in our designs for people.
Why does it matter that Israel understands its relationship with God, and uses the covenant as a vehicle for expressing its relationship with God, the vehicle of the suzerainty treaty?
Network providers do not guarantee a certain quality of service, but merely promise to do their best. That may not matter for personal e-mails, but it does for time-sensitive data such as video.
So it is only a matter of time before he leaves for the RIGS, working for companies that keep their workers on their books as part-time labourers.
If the size of the operand is not specified in the instruction, that means either that the size doesn't matter (as in logical instructions, for instance) or that it is using a 32-bit value size.
However, later we found that, as a matter of fact, a large number of housewives in Japan were involved in the carry trade and it was hard for prevention.
In my work with mock juries, we found that attorneys, or for that matter witnesses, that hide their hands are perceived as less open and less honest by the jurors.
Successive releases do fix errors that matter to us, and, of course, the product as a whole is open source, so it's straightforward to correct at least some of the errors for ourselves.
It is just as important that you and your partner are routinely checked for herpes or any STD for that matter.
As for our contemporary urban adolescent, it is said commonly that college students are prone to fall in love with each other, no matter what their solitary objective are.
They are also a useful tool in cost-cutting and out-sourcing for the networks and studios - as are the Aussies, Kiwis, and the Irish, for that matter, who are also much on screen at the moment.
As we'll see, there's also a matter of paying for the right to use radio waves, a privilege that is only granted after payouts in the billions of dollars.
Scientists have known for a long time that aerosols such as soot, dust and other small particulate matter, alter cloud density and the radiative balance of the atmosphere.
As all the studies discussed suggest, some ways of creating jobs-or fighting global warming, for that matter-are cheaper than others.
It is not just matter of color; everyone recognizes that mainframe screens, also known as "green screens," are not known for being user friendly.
It's an older version than that currently available - V1.65 as opposed to V1.7 - but for purposes of this article, that won't matter.
它是比当前可获得的版本低的版本——V 1.65,相对于V1.7——但是出于本文的目的,该版本不会造成问题。
That may not matter for personal e-mails, but it does for time-sensitive data such as video.
This feature alleviates the complexity of ensuring that all of the SAP features are enabled for your environment, as well as correctly setting the corresonding registry variables for that matter.
China's manned space program, codenamed Project 921, is indeed a matter of considerable national pride for a country that sees space exploration as confirmation of superpower status.
As for the biscuits and coffee, you have made the classic management mistake of assuming that trivial things are trivial and therefore don't matter.