The boy would then fall to the grass, get up, without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could, again, still with a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened.
If there is nothing for Moscow to fear in NATO and EU expansion, its members should not act as if there is.
We are as dependent on our frying pans as sheep are on their internal fellow travellers, for if you eat nothing but raw food you will starve to death.
If nothing else, this kind of information can be very useful to engineering teams, as it lets them optimize their development efforts.
The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them."
For starters, nothing can beat good old HTML if the driving force behind your technology selection is to reach as many users as possible.
The greater part of this world is to us as if it were nothing. But we cannot allow it to remain so, for thus it belittles our own self.
在我们看来世界上大部分事物似乎什么都不是.但是我们不能让它这样因为这样一来我们自己拥有的东西就显得贫乏和渺小了.假如让我们拥有了整个世界 我们所有的力量就有了最终的意义 因为我们相信这些力量会帮助我们拥有祖先留下的遗产.
Obviously, you never want your system to crash but, if it does, you want it to be due to a hardware failure and nothing that you did or forgot to do as the systems administrator.
I felt a great emptiness inside, as if I had been searching for some glimpse, not outside but within myself, and had discovered that there was nothing to be found.
If any of the nodes in the cluster were to fail, a user would be redirected to another functional node in the system, and his or her session would continue as if nothing had happened.
As for global warming, most Republicans say that there is no such thing, or that if the Earth really is warming it has nothing to do with human activity.
Only the true innovators would dare, because innovators play fearlessly, as if they have nothing to lose.
Nothing could be as horrific as that, and if you have to fight a war somewhere, you might prefer the sky to the mud.
She stood there, looking away from him-as if she had her own, private life here, which had nothing to do with him anymore, a life that was none of his business.
Then they dissolve into nothing, only to form as if by stealth on a different horizon, dancing across the sky in the shape of a sea horse or crescent moon.
Once linked, you can read and write to any part of the file as if it were nothing more than just an array of unmanaged memory.
Someone else reported on Twitter that the copier guy had just delivered a box of paper to their office, as if nothing had happened.
One theory is that, over millennia of evolution, our immune systems got used to worms. So if you take them away, the immune system runs wild, as it has nothing to work against.
The knife went in so easy, as if that kid contained no bones, no muscle, nothing to block the blade.
He handed the phone to the white coat, who calmly spoke the address into it, as if nothing at all strange were happening, and then hung up.
If they didn't want him to return, they were to do nothing, and he would remain on the train as it traveled onward.
Interestingly, the bodies of the crew appeared to be at their stations as if nothing had happened, and studies show they died of lack of oxygen rather than drowning.
Some people lose themselves in playing computer games or eat or drink to excess. And some people feel numb, as if nothing has happened.
This doesn't mean, though, that the technology has nothing to offer you if your data is in more traditional formats such as relational databases and spreadsheets.
Finally, the avoidant baby acted as if nothing had happened when the mother left and returned to the room.
SOA and REST are problematic to compare as they are different levels of abstraction, so if ROA is nothing more than REST, it also is problematic in comparing.
The two-day event was organized in part to show that “climaterealists, ” as they prefer to be called, are nothing if not diverse intheir views.
The two-day event was organized in part to show that “climaterealists, ” as they prefer to be called, are nothing if not diverse intheir views.