The colour of happiness is white — transparent and lucid like crystal, as if you could see into other's heart through everything.
'When confronted with forecasts, people without Ph. D. s in economics tend to view them as very tight, as if you could take them to the bank,' Mr. Stark says.
The other was a stag, a beautiful lordly creature with wide liquid eyes, dappled flanks and legs so thin and graceful that they looked as if you could break them with two fingers.
It would be perfect if you could come, as our guest of honor, to the forum.
From behind her, as if he could read her thoughts, Benny said, "You're free to go any time you like, Madame."
I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.
I wonder if you could tell me a little bit about your job as a radio announcer.
Grandfather, sometimes I felt as if I could not bear it any longer to be away from you!
I'm not sure that your fish will be able to remember what your face looks like, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it could remember you in other ways, perhaps by the sound of your footsteps as you walk towards the tank.
After class, a little girl walked up to me and asked, "Could you help me to read this?" with the most excited face I have ever seen as if she had just gotten a cookie.
What's more, in most cases, even if the nest is destroyed by wind or something to that effect, you could create a new one and put all the baby birds back in it, and when the parents came back, they wouldn't care their baby birds were in a different nest, so long as you put the new nest near where the old one was so they can find it.
It would be much better if you could access the journals as a group, rather than ferreting around for each individual feed.
As you can imagine, this could become a very expensive operation if the database is large.
These statements could be included as part of a batch file, if you created one in Section 3.
If you get ambitious you could try Russian, as I have been doing for the last two years.
As you work with the data, see if you can think of changes that you could make at the outset to make reporting easier later.
I would be content, ay, glad, to live with you as your servant, if I may not as your wife; so that I could only be near you, and get glimpses of you, and think of you as mine.
I would be content, ay, glad, to live with you as your servant, if I may not as your wife; so that I could only be near you, and get glimpses of you, and think of you as mine....
Imagine if you could do the same with behaviors — if you could just as easily assign behaviors to a table cell, like expand and collapse, highlight or scroll, as you could set its background color.
You could use this collated information as your main backup, especially if the files were located on another machine.
As a bonus, if you're working in the right place you could end up doing cool day-to-day tasks like gathering data and evidence to help fight sophisticated cyber crime.
It would be great if you could always jump straight to the high-tech solution, as you can with mobile phones.
You could technically count a nap as "non-doing", but if you are dreaming during that nap, you are doing something.
A quick email to the people you met at conferences last year can be a very good thing, as you never know if they might have a great opportunity available that could really help you out.
If he's described as somebody who's insecure and nervous, you could interpret my activity as nervous twitches.
You could use the simple bean from Sample1 of the WSDK as a starting point, if you like.
Some of these Q&A's might seem familiar as they are unused questions from previous months, but they're unpublished, so if you could edit them as normal that'd be great.
下面的Q&A 中有的可能你感觉比较眼熟,因为它们是几个月来无人解答的问题,而且未被刊载,所以要是你能解答它们的话就太好了。
Nothing could be as horrific as that, and if you have to fight a war somewhere, you might prefer the sky to the mud.
If you want to continue execution at a particular address, you could provide that address as a parameter.
I volunteer because I can. It's as simple as that. If you could do something to help the world around you, why wouldn't you?