The warning sparked various comments, since, as it was said above, the footwear is almost a must-buy item now for many style-goers. Here are some picked from the Daily Mail's website.
"It was the most stupid decision of my whole life," said Jack as he let out a Homer Simpson-style "Doh" to illustrate the folly of his actions.
In the spring they pulled the house down, for, as people said, it was a ruin.
The Rosetta Stone was remarkable because, as I said, on it was the same text in three different alphabets: Greek, demotic and hieroglyphic.
It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.
I squared it with Dan, who said it was all right so long as I was back next Monday morning.
It was all pure speculation because as I said, there was no way to know if the bulb was really going to produce the variety, the color that was promised.
"I'm learning it as if it was French," said Mary rather coldly.
As the teacher was lifting the glass to take it away, Larry stopped him and said, "Sir, please don't throw it away."
It was said that she was as effective as god, bringing the dying back to life.
Student: But you could very easily supply context that it was an argument Prof: Well, as I said you can supply context in the case anything is an argument.
It said there was a need for fiscal consolidation in many countries as part of the rebalancing effort and said this should begin in 2011.
It was her first love affair, as we have said; she had given herself to this Tholomyes as to a husband, and the poor girl had a child.
"The only way the essay would get the audience it deserved was to publish it as a small book," he said.
Describing his first night acting as a 13-year-old father, Alfie said: "It was easier than I thought."
It was as Hester said, in regard to the unwonted jollity that brightened the faces of the people.
"Now, women face a lot more pressure than men in the workplace but their obligation to the family is the same as it was in the old days," said Mrs Zhang.
Some foreign leaders said it was, as did José Miguel Insulza, the secretary-general of the Organisation of American States.
有些国外领导者说答案是肯定的,美国组织秘书长José MiguelInsulza也持相同看法。
It was, as Winston Churchill said, not the beginning of the end but the end of the beginning.
The precaution was nearly superfluous, however; for, as we have already said, it was a very dark December night.
Then it was discovered in common cancers as well, but it is still not always accepted or appreciated, he said.
And it was just as Mama said, I earned enough to give back to the tithe box and then I earned some more.
This sense of the sign as something different from what Saussure said it was is going to be the underlying theme of the second and central part of this lecture.
The company doled out hot chocolate and apologies, and towed the train out, as Eurostar Ltd. also said it was reducing service by half, and asked people not to travel if possible.
As was said above, it is ironic that these reserves cannot be of much help in a widespread food shortage situation.
"There were fewer cars, it was more accessible," he said as we drove past the square one afternoon.
Police arrived by helicopter, and the boy pointed the green laser at the chopper as it flew in, Dougherty said. The boy was arrested and held in juvenile custody.
When their cheating partner actually said sorry, it was never as good as they would have imagined.
When their cheating partner actually said sorry, it was never as good as they would have imagined.