I don't care who you are, where you from, what you did, as long as you love me.
I do not want your promises do not you ever. As long as you love me again broke.
I don't care who you are, where you are from, what you did, as long as you love me.
As long as you love them and provide their basic needs, your kids will turn out fine.
As long as you love me I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold.
As long as you love them and provide their basic needs, your kids will turn out fine.Really.
As long as you love them and provide their basic needs, your kids will turn out fine. Really.
As long as you love preoccupation they mastered, then your body and mind cannot again retreats!
I will take you to the remotest corners of the globe, as long as you love and I will do for you.
Actually, it is not difficult to let the people willing to get along with you. As long as you love them, they will come to approach you.
As long as you love yourself, losing the love of an ex is not going to kill you - and like the saying goes, it might even make you stronger.
Whether a job is busy, not how many disappointments in life, as long as you love someone, remember people love you, you won't feel lonely and disappointed.
In the competition of Miss America in 2016, Backstreet Boys as the performing artist sung the classic songs of as Long as You Love me and I Want it That Way.
You, you are my friends, no matter how busy work, not how many disappointments in life, as long as you love someone, remember people love you, you won't feel lonely and disappointed.
As long as you have a plan (and stick to it), you can learn to love bear markets too.
I love football and at times you go through times like that and, as long as you keep working and stay competitive with your team-mates, that is the main thing.
Will you love her honor her, comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be true to her as long as your both shall live?
Will you love her, honor her, comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live?
You fight against that devil for love as long as you may; when The Times comes, not all the angels in heaven shall save him!
I know you try to say that everyone is capable of being loved, so that we can bestowal love upon anyone as long as we are able to appraise the goodness that's within them.
If you don't want to talk about it, I can wait, as long as you're still in love with me.
The CD also includes Ronan’s 2002 number one single, “If Tomorrow Never Comes,” the beautiful 2003 love ballad, “The Long Goodbye,” as well as an all-new offering “I Hope You Dance.”
The CD also includes Ronan’s 2002 number one single, “If Tomorrow Never Comes,” the beautiful 2003 love ballad, “The Long Goodbye,” as well as an all-new offering “I Hope You Dance.”